Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,23

opening credits sounded. Half an hour in, Ben had to suppress a chuckle. Dae was getting into the episode and if the frustrated look on Hemmy’s face was anything to go by, the Djinn was about to get an earful about interrupting with questions during the show.

Sometimes life was simple, and with friends like he had, Ben had lucked out.

I could get used to this. Having Dae around permanently.

He sighed softly. That wasn’t something he should get behind. Dae was a magical being who’d live forever, and Ben was mortal.

Forget it. Don’t start something that has no future.

At least he still had two wishes to change his life.


“So, Dan, Ben tells me you’re an expert in the energy field. Exactly what is it you do?” The marathon session of Mindhunter over—Dae had enjoyed the series but three episodes was enough for him. They’d all settled down with a glass of wine—beer in Hemmy’s case—to chat.

Dae was ready for questions. He’d been looking forward to putting his research into play. Ben’s sudden twitchiness caused him some amusement though.

This is your fault, gorgeous. Live with it.

Dae waved a hand airily. “Oh, he’s too kind. I wouldn’t say expert, exactly. I’m a research assistant in the renewable energy field for a company in Edinburgh. I analyse energy storage for the EU, forecasting models and looking at project economics. It’s extremely data-driven and challenging, but I love my job.”

“Wow.” Hemmy’s eyes were wide and he carried a look of respect on his face. “That sounds awesome. Ben says you’re on a sabbatical. What’s all that about?”

Ben stood up. “Another drink anyone?”

Hemmy shook his head. “I’m good.”

Ben gathered the glasses and went over to the kitchen to fill up. Dae grinned. Here I go. You asked for it, Bennie boy.

“I broke up with my girlfriend and needed some time out to heal my heart.” He made a moue of sadness. At the same time, he heard a choking sound from the kitchen and he and Hemmy both looked over curiously to see Ben leaned over the sink, chest heaving.

“You okay, my man?” Hemmy asked solicitously. “What’s going on there?”

Ben looked up, his face flushed as he wiped his mouth. “Nothing. Something went down the wrong way.” He cast an anxious glance at Dae, who wasn’t sure what his frantic gaze was saying. Had he slipped up, and wasn’t he supposed to be an energy expert anymore?

Hemmy nodded and turned back to Dae. “Hmm, I don’t want to speak out of turn here, but Ben here said you had a boyfriend, a power-builder from Russia? Did I misunderstand something?”

Now it was Dae’s turn to choke on his tongue. “A what?” he squeaked, noticing Ben’s frantic gestures from the kitchen. “A Russian body-builder boyfriend?”

How the fuck had Ben not told him of this relevant detail? The man was a moron. Dae, though, was a master at a quick recovery in many ways.

“Oh, Sergei? No, I broke up with him some time ago, he was getting too muscly for my tastes. I like ‘em leaner. Ben is out of touch with my varied love life.”

Hemmy blinked. “Oh, okay, that explains it. Well, I’m sorry to hear about the breakups. That sucks.”

“Yes, it does,” Dae agreed. “I’ve made a promise to myself to have no more relationships. I’m going to play fast and loose for a while. Enjoy myself.”

Ben came back and leaned in to hand Dae his glass of wine. “Here you go.” His gaze held thanks for Dae’s quick-wittedness, and he sank into his chair, biting his nails anxiously.

Dae nodded sagely. “I’ll be staying here for a little while, hopefully not too long, then I’ll be going home. It’s all a little up in the air right now.”

Hemmy held up his beer bottle. “I hear you. Sometimes these things take time.” He drained his beer. “It’s getting late, I’d better be off.”

He stood up and stretched, his tee-shirt riding up, revealing the soft curve of his belly. “I plan on staying in bed the whole day tomorrow and only getting out of it to have a pee or make me some more coffee. You guys got any plans for the weekend at all?” He shrugged into his now-dry large parka and wrapped the thing closed, then reached into his pocket to pull out a bright red beanie, which he settled onto his curly hair.

Dae looked over at Ben. “I’m not sure. Do we have plans?”

Ben looked a little guilty. “Well, I told Ryan—you know, the son of Copyright 2016 - 2024