Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,193

side door. I hear voices down the hallway, and nod to my sisters.

“You go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

Cathy arches an eyebrow but says nothing. The two of them continue down the hall as I duck into the bathroom.

Locking the door, I lean against the vanity and close my eyes.

My mind and body are at war.

The independent, adventurous side of me is screaming to refuse the engagement. Leave Argyle. Go sing in a dirty dive bar for a few bucks. Explore the world.

The impulsive, carnal side of me wants to stay. See what Prince Theo really has to offer.

I comb my fingers through my hair and re-adjust my clothing. I can do this. I can stick to my guns. I’ll walk out the door and find Prince Theo. I’ll tell him I can’t do it. I’ll say I have to leave. I’ll refuse him.

Inhaling, I turn the doorknob and step out. As it turns out, I don’t have to go far to find the Prince. He’s standing right outside the door.

“Hey.” He stares at me in all his brooding glory.

I jump, startled.

“Sorry.” The Prince roughs his fingers through his hair. His other arm is still in a sling. My eyes drop to the little strip of skin that is exposed between his trousers and his shirt when he lifts his arm. A deep, muscular V is carved into his lower abdominal muscles, and my mouth starts to water.

Is it wrong that I’d love to trail my tongue right down that muscular groove?

Yes. Wrong. Bad Cara.

Theo smiles at me, and that’s all it takes for heat to spark between my thighs. I clench them together as a blush creeps over my cheeks.

It feels like a switch has been flipped inside me. Theo went from being a friend, to all of a sudden being the one man that manages to make me melt with nothing more than a glance.

Whether it’s the knowledge that he’s the future King—and my potential husband—or just some innate quality of the ultra-good-looking, all of a sudden, it’s hard for me not to twirl my fingers in my hair and bat my eyelashes whenever he’s near.

I’d be embarrassed if I had enough extra brain cells to use on embarrassment. Right now, they’re all occupied thinking of all the compromising positions that the Prince has had me in over the past twenty-four hours. None of which ended the way my body had hoped.

“Your Highness,” I say, nodding. “Didn’t think I’d see you here tonight. To what do we owe the honor?”

“You know why I’m here, Cara.” His voice is gruff, his eyes low.

Why is that so hot? His scratchy voice. His dark eyes. Everything makes me want him. Shouldn’t I be telling him all the reasons I can’t marry him?

“Yeah,” I manage to croak.

“My father told me about the proposal today. I’m sorry they sprang it on you without warning. I didn’t know either, if that makes it any better.”

“So you…” I clear my throat. “You want this?” I move my finger between the two of us.

He swallows, and I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Uh… Do you?”

“I… I can’t.” My voice is small. It’s hard to say the words. I stare up at him, blinking rapidly. “I have to leave, Theo. Everything I told you on the sailboat is still true. I have to see the world for myself. Get out of here. Move on.”

Theo sighs, nodding. He tilts his head back, staring at the ceiling. “Then I have a favor to ask.”

My heart thumps. “Uh huh?”

“I need you to pretend.” His eyes land on mine, sending another wave of heat coursing through my veins. How does he do that with nothing but a look?

Then, my brain processes his words, and I choke on my own spittle. I cough, hitting my chest with my hand before looking at him. “Pretend?”

“I know it sounds crazy. Dante needs a couple of weeks to talk to lawyers and figure out if I actually need to marry to take the throne. I was thinking…” He trails off, biting his lip.


“I have a tour of the islands coming up the day after tomorrow. It’s three weeks long. It might be better if you come with me.”

“How would that be better? Won’t that be sending a message to our families and the Kingdom that we’re going to be married?”

Theo sighs. “I’m worried that if you’re here and I’m away, there might be more pressure on you. They might threaten you, or Copyright 2016 - 2024