Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,192


“But why? Why did we have to marry well? Who cares? It’s not like we’re royalty. Father’s an ex-Olympian. Mother is a smart businesswoman. Why couldn’t we just do whatever we wanted with our lives? We don’t need a house that big. We don’t need to live like the royal family. Why can’t we just be normal?”

Why can’t I just leave this place behind and pursue my own dreams?

“That’s not how it works, Cara,” Christine says, nudging my shoulder with hers. She smiles sadly.

Waves crash on the shore as seagulls squawk above us. The sun dips lower, and soon it’ll be touching the horizon. It’s been over twelve hours since I left Theo’s company this morning, but I haven’t stopped thinking about him for a minute.

My future King. If my mother gets her way, my future husband.

I can’t wrap my head around it.

If betraying Luca didn’t kill me, giving up my dreams when they’re almost within reach surely would. I’m leaving. I’ve already decided. Even if my mother plots and conspires until she’s blue in the face, I won’t marry someone I don’t want to marry.

I’m not going to be Queen.

I’m not going to betray Luca.

I’m not going to give up all my dreams in order to marry a man that I never saw as anything but a friend…

…until last night.

Why am I so against this marriage? It’s not because I don’t want Theo. If the solstice sailing trip was any indication, I’m more attracted to the Crown Prince than anyone, ever.

My mind keeps circling back to Luca. Sure, we broke up. Yes, he shattered my heart. He pushed me away for months until I felt like a shell of who I used to be.

But to marry his very own brother?

That’s low. That’s not something I ever thought I’d do.

“What about Luca?” I ask my sisters.

Christine picks up a long piece of seaweed and flings it toward the ocean. “What about him? He left you and refused to let you see him. He ignored you for months. You waited for him long enough, Cara. If you ask me, he deserves any pain that comes to him. He treated you badly, even though you’ll never admit it. You dedicated your life to being his future wife, for what? To be tossed aside when you begged him to let you help?”

“But to marry his brother? Isn’t that wrong?”

“What’s wrong is for Luca to think that he can treat you like dirt and then have you wait for him. It’s been three whole years, Cara. He hasn’t called you even once. You went to that silly P.O. box every single day hoping he’d write you. You should’ve seen the disappointment on your face every time you opened it up to see it empty. I watched you break, day by day. You shouldn’t care about him. Luca doesn’t want you.”

A few months ago, her words would have torn me to shreds.


Surprisingly, they don’t hurt at all. I think that I might have moved on from Luca, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to marry his brother.

The three of us head back toward my parents’ house, where I’m sure the chefs will have prepared a lavish meal for us.

My gut twists. I don’t want any of it.

I want to leave. I want to start fresh. I don’t want to hurt Luca, even if he did hurt me. I don’t want to marry Theo. I want things to be easy and clean.

Even if I’m not good enough to get into singing school, I still want to see what else the world has to offer. My dreams of becoming a decorated, educated singer might never happen. But who knows? Maybe I could still find a way to make music part of my life.

One thing I know for sure is it’s not going to happen if I stay here and marry Prince Theo.

“Well, well, well,” Cathy chuckles darkly, pulling me from my thoughts. “Do we think this is a coincidence?” She jabs her thumb down the side of the house, where a familiar black royal vehicle is parked.

Prince Theo.

Christine titters, throwing her dark, curly hair up into a ponytail. She grins at me, shaking her head. “He’s come here to claim his bride.”

“Oh, please.”

“When was the last time the Crown Prince came to our house for Sunday dinner? Oh, right. Never. Not even Luca came here. Prince Theo is here for you.” Cathy throws me a glance, shaking her head.

My pulse quickens as we slip in through the Copyright 2016 - 2024