Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,108

at me with a grin plastered on his face. “Well, lead the way. I want to hear all about the security risks you’ve been working on.”

I ignore him, gesturing to the stairs. “Let’s go to my room.”

As we walk by the kitchen, I can’t resist stealing one last glance at Margot. She looks up as I walk by, redness flushing over her cheeks when our eyes meet.

A tremor passes through my heart. I’m definitely in big, big trouble.

I lead Luca to my room, where I pull out my laptop.

I run him through everything I’ve planned so far.

“We’ll bring some people we trust over from Argyle. I have half a dozen security staff on a plane already, so they’ll be here by tonight. I want to beef up security around the house and the bakery. We should keep Ivy and Margot well-protected, since they might be a target.”

Luca nods.

“I’ve also gotten our best two guys to be your team. Theo insisted that you take the best of the best to keep you safe until Beckett is found.”

Luca grunts, shaking his head. “Put them on Ivy.”


“The best guys. I want them protecting Ivy.”


He holds up a hand, silencing me. I stare at my older brother, once again hit by the realization that he isn’t the impulsive young man I once knew. He’s grown into something stronger.

“We need to draw Beckett out, and I refuse to live in fear of what he might do. The best way to get Beckett to make a mistake is to dangle the best bait possible in front of him.” Luca’s eyes stay trained on mine. “And the best bait is me.”

“Luca, I’m not going to use you…”

“It’s not up to you,” he interrupts. “I want the extra staff on Ivy, Margot, and the bakery. We’ll keep one guy undercover on me. I’m going to start making more public appearances. Being more visible.”

“More vulnerable, you mean.”

Luca nods. “It’s the only way to end this.”

“It’s not the only way, Luca.”

“Well, it’s the quickest way.”

I take a deep breath, roughing a hand through my hair. “Okay, well, I’ll be by your side.”

Luca tilts his head. “Dante, I’m not sure you understand. I’m going to be calling reporters, getting them to show up wherever I go. My face will be plastered on every website, every newspaper, every tabloid there is. I’m going to make myself so visible that Beckett won’t be able to resist coming out of the woodwork.”

“I understand completely.”

“You’ve spent the last couple of decades hiding your face, Dante,” Luca says, drawing his brows together. “Why would you give that up?”

I take a deep breath, glancing at my laptop screen. I close it, knowing I’ll have to re-work our entire security plan. Dragging my gaze back up to my brother, I shrug.

“I’ve spent my whole life living in fear of what people might say about me. It’s been a good life, but I’ve let my fears stop me.”

I think of Margot, and how she put on a brave face minutes after recovering from her panic attack. She stepped out in front of the cameras and gave the performance of a lifetime. Would I have been able to do that?

I’m not sure.

“You need me, Luca. Whether you want to admit it or not.” I look at my brother, shaking my head. “If this is how you want to play it to draw Beckett out, I’m not going to let you do it on your own.”

Luca’s lips stretch into a grin. “The reclusive prince is coming out of hiding.”

I blow the air out of my lungs, shaking my head. “I guess I am.”

I grunt when Luca’s body slams into mine. I wrap my arms around him to return the hug, feeling a flush of affection for my brother. Luca pulls away, his eyes misting.

“I know that this is a big deal to you, Dante.”

“You’re my brother,” I answer simply. “I wasn’t there for you when you broke your back. I let you push me away—I’m not going to let it happen again.”

Luca squeezes my shoulder with his meaty hand, nodding. “Thank you.”

I watch him walk away, and I know he’s going to see Ivy. My feet are itching to take me to Margot, but I resist. I know that part of the reason it’s been so easy for me to stay here—so easy for me to decide to step into the spotlight—is because of her.

Margot has started unravelling something inside me, and I don’t know what will happen when it comes Copyright 2016 - 2024