Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,107

the moment wasn’t so heavy. She’s been the opposite of needy. She’s been brave and open. She’s done things that I’d never be able to do. To face her fears like she did today, and then go back out and see the man who tried to hurt her family without breaking down… Margot is stronger than she gives herself credit for.

I feel drawn to her in a way that I never expected. Of course, when I look at her deep, blue eyes, her full lips, her perfect nose, I see beauty. But that’s not what makes me yearn for her.

It’s her spirit. She’s unbreakable.

Margot’s fingers crawl up my chest, curling into my shirt. Her breath hitches, and I feel her heartbeat speed up. My fingers drift down her neck, pushing her hair over her shoulder and sliding over her collarbone.

Her skin is slightly oily, and it smells like scented massage oils. An image flashes in my mind of Margot, oiled up and splayed on top of a massage bed with my hands rubbing her down.

I groan.

She shivers gently, exhaling as I dip my head toward her. Lifting her chin up, her eyes widen.

I pause. “Is this okay?”

Margot nods. “Yes.”

My heart thumps. My hand sinks into her hips as the other drifts back up to her jaw. I run my thumb over her lower lip before finally pressing my mouth to hers.

Margot moans gently as her lips part. She swipes her tongue over mine and I taste the fruity sweetness of her lips. Curling my fingers into the nape of her neck, I pull her closer. She melts into me, deepening our kiss as her arms wrap around me.

I take a step forward, caging her against the front door. Margot’s hips roll toward me, and I groan. Running my hands over her curves makes me want to tear the clothes off her body and take her right here, right now.

It feels too good to have her next to me. I need all of her. I need to taste her skin, her pussy, her kiss. I need to plunge myself deep inside her and make her mine.

She gasps, pinned against the door as I kiss her neck, her ear, her jaw. Her fingernails scrape over my scalp, sending shivers all the way down to my cock. I’m rock hard, and I know she can feel it. She grinds herself against me, moaning gently as our kiss gets messier.

It doesn’t matter. There are no cameras here.

Her teeth scrape over my lower lip, nipping at me as she kisses me harder. I grunt, pressing my length into her stomach.

It feels like a volcano erupting without warning. I’ve spent the last day and a half pushing down the feelings that have been mounting inside me, and now I feel like I could rip this beauty’s clothes off and take her right here on the marble floor.

Panting, I pull back. I lean my forehead against hers as we both catch our breath. She rests her head against the door, looking at me through her lashes.


“Yeah,” I say between breaths.

“I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Me neither.” I gulp. “Are you… Are you okay with it?”

Margot smiles, and I think it’s the first genuine smile I’ve seen from her. Not an embarrassed smile, not a polite or forced smile. A real, full grin.

“I’m okay with it.” She runs her fingers through the hair on the side of my head. Her touch sends tingles tumbling down my spine. Curling her hands into fists, she pulls my hair gently.

I grunt, smiling. “Your touch feels incredible.”

“I was going to say the same thing about yours.”

Her eyes are bright and completely clear. Gone is the fear and the haze that clouded them before. She smiles again, and a flame ignites in my chest.

I like this girl more than I’m willing to admit to myself.

A car pulls up outside, and we fall apart. Margot clears her throat, smoothing her hair down.

Ivy and Luca burst through the door, laughing about something. Ivy glances from me to Margot, arching an eyebrow.

Luca does the same and I straighten my shoulders. “Luca, you’re home,” I say, cringing at the squeakiness in my voice. “I was hoping to go over some security things with you.”

“Sure.” He grins, glancing at Margot again. “You two just hanging out in the hallway?”

“I just got home,” Margot says. “Anyone want some food? I had the chef make some extra meals for the week.”

“I’m starving,” Ivy says, following her sister into the kitchen.

Luca’s still staring Copyright 2016 - 2024