Room 4 Rent A Steamy Romantic Comedy - Shey Stahl Page 0,89

then my lips. “I have plans for you tonight. And I need you alive for it.”

A breathy laugh leaves my lips. “I’ll try not to.”

“But I do have to warn you.” His chest meets mine soon after. “This won’t last long,” he teases, working himself between my legs, his lips crashing to mine with a devastating warmth I missed so much. His kiss is possessive, demanding, and so familiar. Deepening the kiss, he devours me, heated, sexy, and everything I knew him to be.

I hold him close, whispering as he enters me, “We have all night.”

I feel his smile on my lips as he slowly eases into our lovemaking. I don’t care if he lasts five seconds or five minutes. All I care about is this white-hot desire washing over me.

I know the life of a major league player is unpredictable. But guess what, so is life. You never know what you’re going to get or who’s going to show up at your door.

Or buy you coffee when you need it.

A game in which one team does not get any hits; a rare feat for a pitcher, especially at the major league level. Also called a “no-no.”



You know in the movies when the final credits start and then pops up details about how everyone’s life goes after the movie ends? I love that because you don’t have to wonder that way.

I’ll give you a rundown of the last few years. It’s been crazy, so hang on tight.

Emmie, she’s sixteen now, and driving! Can you believe it? So, fetch. Ha. That’s not actually a word she uses. She’d say something along the lines of, my car is so totes lit. Or something like that. I’m probably fucking it up. Anyways, she still comes over and watches the kids for me when I need a break.

Kids… you noticed I used the plural version, didn’t ya?

Hold on, I’ll get to them.

First, Ez finally scored with my sister. After a year of trying. Not sure if that surprises you or not, but I figured you might appreciate his efforts there. He’s also playing for the Pirates and talks to Cason at least once a week. And, Emmie has a huge crush on Ez. Don’t tell her I told you. She’d no cap, be so mad at me.

Remi is dating a man her own age, and no, he’s not Cason. She made me meet him the day they went out just to be sure I didn’t know him and had Nahla do a background check on him.

Speaking of Nahla, she’s great and successfully avoided Forest and his attempts to bag her, as he called it. I don’t know what happened to Forest, but from what Cason says, he’s playing triple-A ball in Alabama.

Nahla and Kenneth welcomed a little boy after eight years of trying to get pregnant. Nathan Grayer. With black hair, blue eyes, creamy olive skin, he looks just like Nahla, and he’s the sweetest little boy you’ll ever meet. I’ve tried to kidnap him twice. Both times they asked for their kid back.

And for my own baby, she’s five now. Turns six in a month and is no longer obsessed with Olaf. The character, that is. After the Disney incident, she never watched that movie again. Now she’s into Fleetwood Mac, begs for dreadlocks, and started playing the guitar last month. My sweet little gypsy girl. We still have the snow-white cat we call Olaf, and he’s an asshole.

Let’s see… what else?

Oh, uh, we had a baby! Like how I casually threw that in there?

Kinda like how Cason knocked me up. Game two of the series against the San Diego Padres. Nine months later, Alston Lucas Reins made his appearance. Our rambunctious one-year-old is the spitting image of his father and more than I can handle most days. He’s also the best thing that’s ever happened to our unconventional family. Tatum treats him like her doll, and he lets her. Goes with anything she wants him to do.

Also, my baby daddy is a major league pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels and still holds the world record for the fastest pitch ever thrown.

And guess what else?

He’s fucking faithful.

Do I worry?

Nope. Never. I don’t need to. Just because you’ve been wronged in the past doesn’t mean you need to put up a cage around your heart and swear off love and trust.

We’re not married, yet, but this time it’s different. I have no expectations, and it feels good. I know the drive Copyright 2016 - 2024