Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,33

Kale, then there are the douche twins.” She pointed at Gray and Sin, who tilted their chins in greeting.” She settled back against Cash’s side a little more. “And you know Jace.”

Lucy sat forward, shaking hands with the other four guys, a warm smile on her face. “I’ve heard a lot about you guys, actually. Aunt Emmie has some exciting plans for your band.”

“Aunt Emmie?” Kale lifted a brow for half a second and then nearly dropped his beer. “You’re Lucy Fucking Thornton, aren’t you?”

Pink filled Lucy’s cheeks and she sat back. Harris wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she seemed to become at ease once again. “Yeah. That’s me.”

“What’s it like having a Demon for a father?” Sin questioned with new interest in his gaze.

“He’s a great dad, if that’s what you mean.”

“It’s not.” Sin shifted in his chair. “What I meant was how is it having your personal life always out there for the world to see?”

“It sucks,” Lucy assured him with a hint of steel in her tone. “And it’s what your life is about to turn into. So if you don’t want the paps reporting every single move you make and with whom you make it, then get out now.”

“Ignore Sin,” Cash told her as he glared at the other bassist. “He’s an ass half the time, and the other half he’s a bastard.”

Sin didn’t bother to deny it. With a shrug that more or less agreed with Cash’s assessment of his personality, Sin swallowed the rest of his beer and set the empty bottle on the floor at his feet.

Kin turned to face Cash better. “Have you spoken to Caleb lately?”

“Nope. He’s been busy with school. Otherwise I would have already known you were on the West Coast and would have come checked on you.”

Her face tightened up. “Do me a favor and don’t tell him that we’ve seen each other.” Her gaze lifted to mine for only a millisecond before turning back to Cash. “I’m not ready to deal with the drama that will follow if he knows I’ve run into you guys. You know he will tell Angie.”


The others didn’t stick around for long. Kale left first to go find something else to drink and never returned. Sin and Gray each went trolling for a hookup for the night, but Cash stuck around so there was no way I was going anywhere either. We hung out for over two hours before Lucy finally told Harris that she had to get home. The two chicks stood and Harris pulled Lucy close for a long moment before reluctantly letting her go. “I’ll call you,” he promised and she gave him a bright smile.

Kin gave Cash a hug, shot me a nasty glare and then took Lucy’s hand. “Thanks for having us, Harris.”

He inclined his head, a smirk on his face. “My pleasure, Kin. But let’s try to keep the bodily harm down to a minimum next time, okay? I don’t want my club becoming famous for the hot chicks slugging my entertainment.”

A grin teased at her lips and she cradled the hand she’d slapped me with earlier close to her. “I’ll try my best.”

As the girls started to leave I stepped in front of Kin. She’d ignored my every attempt to talk to her all night long, but I couldn’t let her go without saying something. “I’m sorry,” I blurted out because I still had no clue what else to say to her. “I’m sorry about everything.”

Auburn brows lifted. “O-kay. You’re sorry. Good to know. See you around.” With that she tightened her hold on Lucy’s hand and walked around me, leaving me standing there with my heart in my throat.

Chapter 9


Scott had left for Canada to film on location for his newest movie, so I was left alone at home with the step-monster and the two perfect step-bitches. If it were possible, things at their house became even more unbearable.

I’d never been one for Disney princess movies, but I could suddenly relate to Cinderella a little more. That chick’s need to have a night off from her terrible family was totally relatable and I was able to get that with Lucy.

Hanging out with her, however, meant I was at First Bass more often than not, it seemed. I was okay with going in on Wednesday nights since I’d been getting some attention for my songs that I played during open mike, but Thursday nights I would rather deal with the three hags than Copyright 2016 - 2024