Rocking Kin (Lucy & Harris, #3) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,32

his pocket and handed over a folded piece of paper. “Give it some serious thought before you call either of them, though. If you aren’t eighteen yet, then you’re going to need a guardian to handle any deals you make.”

Lucy sat up a little straighter, her dark eyes narrowed on the paper in my hand. “Kin, that’s awesome. I’m so proud of you…”

“But?” I whispered, scared of what she was going to say.

“But…talk to Aunt Emmie about this, okay? See what she thinks before you make your decisions. Like Harris said, you’ll need a guardian to handle any deals. Do you think your father will have your best interests at heart? What about Jillian?”

I quickly folded the paper and pushed it into the front pocket of my jeans. Lucy was right. I would talk to her aunt about this when I got the chance and, if I needed to, I would wait until my birthday in February before accepting any offers.


My face was still stinging by the end of the show. All four of my bandmates snickered every time they looked at me while we waited on our beers up on the VIP floor. I flipped them off and downed my bottle of Bud in two gulps before demanding another from Nate, the bartender.

“I see Kin still has that fiery personality to go with that hair of hers,” Sin said with a cocky grin. “Damn, I knew I should have hit that before you could get your hands on her.”

If it came down to Sin and Gray both being in a burning building and I could save only one of them, I wasn’t sure if I would save either. Okay, so I’d probably go in after Gray because my sister and Alicia would kill me if I didn’t save his ass. Sin could burn. I despised both of them equally. The two were best friends. I guess like attracted like and all that bullshit.

A hand landed on my shoulder as I lifted my fresh bottle of Bud and debated knocking it over Sin’s head. Kale laughed good naturedly, but his hold on my shoulder was full of tension. “Let’s find a place to chill, yeah?”

I didn’t bother to answer as I shrugged his hold off and looked around the room for Harris. Hopefully Kin and her friend hadn’t left. I wanted to talk to her, tell her…


That I was sorry for playing dirty and singing that song I considered ours? I wasn’t sorry about that. The look on her face told me that it had affected her emotionally before it had pissed her off and she’d smacked the hell out of me. She still cared, she still felt something strong for me and it wasn’t just hate.

I had no clue what I would say to her, I just wanted to have the chance to talk to her.


My head jerked up when I heard Kin’s voice call out. She was on a leather couch in a back corner hidden from most of the other VIPs, but she stood and walked toward us. Blue eyes were focused on Cash as she sidestepped me and wrapped her arms around the bassist.

Cash wrapped her up in a tight hug. “Kin.” He was grinning when he pulled back enough to look down at her. “Good to see you, sweetheart.”

“You too.” She kept an arm around his waist as she smiled up at him. Not that she had to look up far. At five foot eleven barefoot she wasn’t much shorter than Cash who was only six-one. “Come sit with us?”

He shrugged. “Sure, babe.” She pulled him with her, her arm still at his waist.

I wanted to break his fucking neck as he draped an arm over her shoulders and walked with her. Swallowing another mouthful of my beer, I followed them and wasn’t surprised when the other three Tainted Knights members did as well.

Lucy and Harris took up one end of the couch, Lucy tucked close to Harris with her feet on his lap. Kin sat down beside Lucy, and Cash took up the rest of the couch. In a chair close by, the guard—who seemed to always be with Lucy—was watching everyone. Kale pulled a chair over to our group and Gray and Sin followed suit. I took up root on the arm of the couch next to Cash, ready to break his fingers if he touched Kin for longer than I thought he should.

“Lucy, this is Cash.” Kin was introducing. “That goofball is Copyright 2016 - 2024