Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,82

all of you.” A sheepish expression lined his face. “I had plenty of worries when Harmony left the mountain, but after meeting all of you, I now know they were totally unfounded. Thank you for taking such good care of my little girl.”

“The pleasure is all ours,” Ross assured.

“Ah, I’m sure it goes without saying, but Ava issued a press release about an hour ago. Our tour’s been put on indefinite hold so we have time to heal,” Burk announced. “Looks like we’ll all be heading home soon.”

Sadness gripped me so hard my heart nearly stopped.

While the others continued discussing new busses and private jets, I was swallowed up with grief.

There was zero guarantee that Ross would still be under attack by the press or that he still needed me to bring him to life once their tour resumed. Yes, I’d made great strides with the man in a short amount of time. Ross was now smiling and even laughing, but my task was far from finished.

I wasn’t able to thoroughly read him yet. That alone told me he was still hiding something behind his impenetrable walls. And until I found a way to pick the lock and sneak inside, I’d struggle with regret for failing him. Just like I had probably failed my family back home. I wasn’t naïve enough to think Quinn would write me a check when I’d only technically been on the job for mere days.

Like a giant grizzly, uncertainty roared to life inside me.

“Are you tired?” Concern lined my dad’s face.

“No. But I am hungry.”

Ross whipped out his cell phone and arched a brow. “What do you want, princess? I’ll get you anything and have it delivered here to your room. Do you want bacon? Or how about some bacon-wrapped scallops?”

“They do that…wrap bacon around scallops?”

“Yeah.” He grinned. “Both your favorite foods in one bite.”

“Whoa, I have to try that, but not for breakfast.”

“Definitely not for breakfast and not while you’ve got so many drugs in your system. They’re really rich. But if you’re feeling up to it, I can have some brought in for dinner tonight.”

“You’re spoiling me.” I grinned.

“Oh, princess. I haven’t even started spoiling you yet. You just wait.” Warmth, like a blanket of sunshine, spread through me. “But for now, what sounds good…something light that won’t upset your stomach?”

“Oatmeal with brown sugar and buttered toast.”

“I know just the place to get that for you.”

While Ross phoned in my order, Dad flashed me a smile and a wink of approval.

I had no clue if I’d ever see Ross again after I was released from the hospital. Didn’t know if there was a future for us written in the stars. I only knew I wasn’t wasting a single precious second I’d been blessed to spend with him, here and now.

When my oatmeal arrived, Burk and Sofia announced that they were going back to the hotel. When they offered to take Dad with them so he could get some rest, he smiled at me.

“I think I’ll take you up on that,” he said to Burk, “now that I know my baby girl is in such good hands. Thank you, Ross. You’re a fine young man.”

When my dad extended his hand, Ross clasped it then pulled him in for a manly hug and clapped him on the back. Clearly the two had bonded while I’d been dreaming about my mountain home, about stars, and wildly trying to find Ross. And seeing the two share such a special moment made me want to break down and sob like a baby.

“I’ll be back after I get a nap,” Dad promised as he bent and kissed my forehead. “You get some rest, too.”

“I’ll make sure she does,” Ross assured as the trio strolled out the door. Sitting down in the chair beside me, he placed his wide palm on my thigh. Even being wired up to machines and tubes and my arm throbbing painfully didn’t keep sparks of delight from sputtering through me. “Can I get you anything else? Some more water…a soda…carrot cake? I still owe you one.”

“I don’t need the cake. I have everything I need right here.” I just didn’t know for how much longer. I’d never been the kind of girl who could ignore an elephant in the room. Especially one this big and important. “Do you have any idea when you’ll be going home?”

The light in Ross’s eyes suddenly dimmed. A great wave of sadness spilled off him and rolled over me, making Copyright 2016 - 2024