Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,8

but shocked to learn that Ross and Syd were the only ones who weren’t in a committed relationship.

“Sofia, Tori, and Mia are the best things to happen to Burk, Darren, and Ozzy…far better than any platinum album or Grammy,” Quinn said with a satisfied smile. “Did you research Licks of Leather much before leaving Kentucky?”

“Not really. I searched up some photos of Ross.” Okay, so I’d drooled over photos of him. Because, yeah. The man was seriously panty-melting. “I did read an article about his past drug addiction, but…”

“Rule number one,” Quinn began as I placed my napkin on my plate and leaned back in my chair. “Do not believe a single word that the tabloids print. They lie. And while some rock stars live a life of wild parties, sex, and drugs, the guys of Licks have outgrown the party stage. None of them do drugs. And as far as their sex lives go? I don’t ask. It’s none of my business.”

“Or mine.” I smiled.


“I’m curious… What made you choose me for this job?”

“Because you don’t have a bunch of degrees and initials behind your name. Because you have a fresh, pure, unjaded view of life and nature.”

“You know where I live…what Gaia Garden is, right?”

“Yes. I did my homework on you.”

Clearly, he had expected me to have delved deeper into Ross’s past. Though it was hard, I’d purposely resisted the urge. I didn’t want anything influencing my perceptions once I finally met the man face-to-face.

“Then you know I’m not exactly tailored for the rock star world.”

“Another reason I chose you. You’re not star-struck or in awe of the guys in the band.”

“That hardly qualifies me—”

“You also think outside the box. I need that…Ross needs that. You’ll be able to achieve far more success with him than I can.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I don’t know how to reach him.” Quinn’s scowl was teemed with sorrow. “My job is promoting the band and the talent they possess. And trust me. Those five men are some of the most gifted musicians on the planet. I’m also responsible for keeping their image clean, which is a hell of a lot harder than any other aspect of my job.

“Unfortunately, a few weeks ago…right after the Grammys, it was brought to my attention that Ross’s name was popping up in the tabloids and on social media. Ava, my wife and company VP, has been working hard to put a halt to some of the rumblings while I’ve kept Ross and the others sequestered in Texas, working on a new album. I’ve been in this business long enough to know it won’t be long before one of the big vultures plucks up one of those obscure bread crumbs and turns Ross’s life into a living hell.”

“What are the rumors about?”

“We attended several parties after the Grammys. Ozzy and Ross got into a physical altercation at one with a guy who was trying to take certain liberties with Mia. It was hot news for a hot minute. But while the tabloids were focused on the brawl, they missed the near-death drug overdose at one of the parties we’d been to earlier that night. A party where drug use was plentiful and out in the open. Where tons of guests were getting high as kites.

“It wasn’t the kind of party the guys like to attend. We didn’t stay long, but as we were leaving, some freelance hack snapped a photo of Ross coming out of the hotel. When news broke about the overdose, rumors of Ross using again started popping up here and there. Now that their tour is about to start, we will be launching a huge publicity push. I fear the vultures are going to find that bread crumb. It’s just the ammo they need to try and take him down or give the fans serious reasons to question his sobriety. He’s worked too long and too hard for those pricks to start trying to chip away at his success.”

“So, Ross didn’t relapse at that party?”

“No. He wasn’t even in the room with the drugs. He was sitting out by the pool, looking at the sky. I need you to be with him on the tour so if or when the shit hits the fan, he doesn’t try to lock everything down inside him. He has a propensity for doing that ever since…”

“Ever since what?” I pressed after Quinn’s words trailed off.

“That’s another reason you’re here. To persuade him to unlock the past, face his Copyright 2016 - 2024