Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,7

doors of the elevator slid open, I stepped onto the thick carpet and followed him down a long hallway.

“Since this is your first trip to New York, I booked you a suite with a terrace that overlooks Times Square.”

After sliding the key card into the slot, Quinn smiled and pushed the door open. When I stepped across the threshold, I swallowed down a gasp. I felt like I was floating on clouds in a fairy tale. Turning in a slow circle, I took in every detail of the elegant room. Overwhelmed was an understatement. The place was stunning, from the inviting cream-colored sectional adorned with fluffy burgundy pillows to the sparkling glass-topped coffee table positioned in front of a massive flat-screen television. On a bar with its own sink were colorful bottles of liquor and shimmering crystal glasses.

Turning my attention to the wide patio doors, I saw flames dancing in the wind from a tall, narrow firepit on the spacious terrace. I wanted to fling the door open and curl up on the inviting padded chaise next to the flickering flames.

“Would you like me to put your suitcases in the bedroom?” Quinn asked, slicing through my stupor.

“Yes, thank you.”

As he turned and disappeared down the hall, I was almost afraid to follow him…afraid that if the bedroom and bathroom were equally lavish, I’d never want to leave. Compared to my little Airstream trailer in the woods, this was paradise.

Taking a brave step forward, I trailed behind him, and as I suspected, the other two rooms were equally mind-blowing. A part of me wanted to ask him to leave so I could stand beneath the numerous jets in the humongous shower, then wrap up in the plush robe hanging beside the marble vanity, before spending the whole night on the terrace drinking in the lights and sounds of the city.

You’re here to do a job, a little voice in my head reminded.

“Do you want to unpack before we talk?” Quinn asked with a knowing smile. Clearly, my astonishment was written all over my face.

“It can wait.”

“Okay. Let’s move to the terrace. I’ll ask room service to set up your dinner outside if that’s all right with you.”

All right? It would be fantastic. I smiled and gave him a demure nod.

When we stepped onto the patio, I expected Quinn to tell me more about my job. Instead, he started pointing out landmarks and telling me the history of Times Square, including where the ball dropped each New Year’s Eve. I didn’t have the heart to tell him we didn’t have television back home. Though I’d seen them before, in the tiny hotel rooms Dad and I’d shared while searching for my mom.

After room service delivered my dinner, arranged it on the table outside for me, and left, Quinn turned eerily quiet. Wordlessly watching as I cut into my steak, he steepled his fingers and tapped them to his lips.

I didn’t need to unfurl my inner empath to know something weighed heavily on his mind. An aura of foreboding clung to the air around him. If he’d changed his mind about hiring me, the rippling consequences would destroy Gaia Garden. For purely selfish reasons, I didn’t want to leave without getting the chance to meet Ross. Mentally lining up a litany of reasons I should stay, I lowered my silverware, gathered my courage, and lifted my chin.

“I sense something is wrong.”

“We’ll discuss business when you’re through eating.”

His commanding tone made me bristle. I wasn’t used to anyone telling me what to do. At home on the mountain, we all worked together, equally, for the greater good. But I wasn’t back home, and Quinn and I weren’t equals. He might very well be my boss before the night was through. There was far too much riding on the goals I needed to achieve for me to blow it by acting like a petulant child.

“All right.” I plucked up my fork and bit the piece of steak off the end.

As the smoky char and savory juices hit my tongue, all thoughts of Quinn’s overbearing attitude and worries that he’d changed his mind, vanished. A moan of sheer delight slid from the back of my throat. The beef was delicious. It was buttery and mild compared to the distinct flavor of venison.

While I devoured the succulent steak, roasted asparagus, and creamy whipped potatoes and sipped my iced tea, Quinn offered up brief bios of the band members.

I was grateful for the insight into their individual personalities Copyright 2016 - 2024