Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,72

you—before our conversation is over, you’re going to say her name as well.”

“I’m two seconds from hanging up, fucker,” I snarled.

“Go ahead. Hang up the phone, you stubborn prick. I’ve got Quinn’s number.”

“Goddammit, Paul,” I barked.

“Goddammit, Ross. Open your fucking eyes.” Paul paused and took a deep breath. “You can’t keep wrapping the chains of guilt around your neck. They’ll only weigh you down until you finally give up and start spreading a few lines out on a mirror. Stop letting the past dictate your future. You’re smarter than that. Where’s your fucking gratitude list? You’ve got the brass ring in your hand. Hold on to it. If you’re too scared to hang on to Harmony, at least hold on to the ring. But don’t you dare let go because you’re afraid to tell your ghosts goodbye.”

As usual, Paul was right. I was scared. Scared to let go of Lily. Scared to let Harmony in. Scared to say goodbye to her in six short months. Scared to say goodbye to either of them and be left with nothing but empty nights, bittersweet memories, and bitter guilt.

Pinching my lips together, I let his words turn over in my head.

“I’ll catch the next flight to New York if you need me,” Paul offered.

A warm smile tugged my lips. “No, man. I’m good. I’ll be all right now. Thanks.”

“Remember, no matter what—”

“Comes my way, I can handle it. Yeah, I know. But I never expected anyone like Harmony to come my way.”

“She’s only there because you’re ready for her to be in your life. Don’t blow it. And I damn well expect to meet this girl when your tour is over.”

“Yeah, well, she might be back on her mountain in Kentucky by then.”

“I hope, for your sake, she’s not.”

Me, too.

“You know what you need to do next, right?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Tell me anyway.”

“I need to go find her, apologize, and tell her about…” I swallowed tightly and closed my eyes. Then I drew in a deep breath. “About…Lily.”

“You’re going to be fine, fucker. Just fine. If the road starts to crumble again, pick up the phone. All right?”

“Will do.”


“Yeah, Mom. I promise.”

“You’re a good boy, Ross,” Paul howled as I ended the call.

A second later, Burk returned, eyeing me pensively. “You okay?”

“I am now.” I nodded. I stood and handed him his phone. “Where’s Harmony?”

“She’s on the bus with everyone but Syd. He’s in his dressing room playing Daddy’s gonna make you scream with a couple of groupies.”

“How is she? Is she—”

“A mess? Yeah, a hot fucking mess right now.”

“Shit.” I sighed. “I need to talk to her.”

“You might want to leave her alone for a few days…just sayin’.”

I shook my head. “I can’t. I need to fix this now.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to get through two pissed-off women, and an overbearing bus driver first.”

“Whatever it takes.”

Burk arched his brows. “You’re really falling for her, aren’t you?”

“I’m not falling. I already landed.”

“Son of a bitch.” Burk grinned. “First time I laid eyes on Sofia, I fell like a fucking sequoia. Best damn day of my life.”

I chuckled.

“Looks like Syd’s the last man standing.”

“Doubt it. I’m sure he’s got one of those groupies beneath him giving her the best ten seconds of her life,” I drawled as we left the dressing room and made our way to the bus.

Though Paul had helped me get my head on straight and my shit under control, the ground beneath my feet was still uneven. I had a feeling it wouldn’t level out until I made amends with Harmony.

What if she didn’t accept my apology?

What if she decided she’d had enough and quit?

Worry knotted my gut as I pushed past the heavy metal doors and jogged to the coach. As I leapt up the stairs, all heads turned my way. Ignoring the collective looks of contempt pelting me, I couldn’t do the same for the crushing sobs emanating from the back of the coach.

“You need to—”

“Don’t.” I glared at Ozzy. “I’ll fix it.”

“Make sure you do,” Sofia bit out angrily.

If I hadn’t been so busy begging the gods for Harmony’s forgiveness, I might have smiled at the fact that the beautiful vixen who’d so effortlessly slid inside my heart had touched the members of my band family’s as well.

Eating up the distance to the end bunk, my bunk, where Harmony was sobbing behind the closed curtain, I drew in a deep breath and yanked the drape open.

She jerked her head up. Her eyes were rimmed red, and tears were spilling Copyright 2016 - 2024