Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,77

as the pulse point at the base of her neck hammered wildly, then her eyes landed on me, lying motionless at the base of the porch.

“What’s the holdup, Zattman?” McCoy baited.

“I need a show of good faith, Mr. McCoy.”

“Not sure how much more faith I can show you. I’m ready to bring out the women you wanted.”

“Send Miss Burton out first. I have a bit of unfinished business I need to wrap up before I have fun with the others.”

“Let my men go and I’ll send her out.”

The fuck you will. I was ready to blow McCoy’s brains out for even thinking about using Caris as a bargaining chip.

“If they drop their guns, I’ll let them climb down from the trees and join you inside. But let me warn you, if they so much as breathe wrong, or look at their discarded weapons, I’ll wave my hand and a hail of bullets will rain down on them.”

“You mean the dickless wonders you got hiding in the bushes instead of standing beside you like real men?”

“Tsk, tsk, Mr. McCoy,” Zattman scolded. “Aren’t your dickless wonders hiding up in trees, too? I must say, for such a decorated war hero, your verbal sparring skills are seriously lacking.”

“Huh, they were wrong.” McCoy chuckled.

“I’ll bite,” Zattman cackled. “Who was wrong about what?”

McCoy didn’t respond, simply cocked his head and exhaled in relief. In the distance, I heard the blades of a chopper coming in fast and hot.

“The shrinks Mommy and Daddy sent you to when you were ten,” McCoy began, in an even tone as he motioned for Caris and Mia to move back from the door. Caris blew me a kiss, then turned and raced away. “You know, the ones who said you needed to be institutionalized because you were crazier than a shit house rat.”

That explains a hell of a lot.

An unholy snarl tore from Zattman’s chest as he stormed out from behind the SUV and yanked a gun from behind his back. As he stormed toward the porch, blind with rage, I lined him up in my sights again.

From my periphery, I saw McCoy shove the screen door open, rush onto the porch, and drop to a knee as he raised his gun.

Zattman kept on advancing, his face pinched in rage. He was oblivious to the thumping blades of the chopper vibrating the earth and my chest. Oblivious to the rapid-fire of fifty-caliber machine guns echoing from the back of the lodge. Oblivious to the bullets shredding the trees near the studio. Oblivious to the screams of his goons as their dead bodies pummeled to the ground.

I prayed Cole and Brad had heeded McCoy’s instructions and had abandoned their posts in the trees in front of the lodge, but I didn’t dare take my eyes off Zattman or the sick, satisfied smile blooming over his face as he glanced up at the shredded leaves raining through the air.

Taking full advantage of his distraction, I tightened my hand on the grip of the gun, launched to my feet, and pointed it in his face. Surprise replaced his gloating grin. Pure evil filled his eyes and an inhuman sneer curled his lips.

“I killed you,” he screamed indignantly.

As he raised his arm to shoot me, I squeezed the trigger of my Magnum.

The hollow point stamped a hole between his eyes, tore through his demented brain, and blew out the back of his head. Blood and gray matter exploded air as Zattman’s body lifted into the air and landed with a thud on the sidewalk.

Magnum still aimed on the monster, I stepped toward his lifeless body and kicked his gun away. McCoy rushed in beside me, clapping me on the back and congratulating me. With a snarl, I turned and punched him in the jaw, gleefully cheering as he landed on his ass in the yard.

“That’s for using Caris as bait, you motherfucker.”

As he clutched his jaw and glared daggers at me, three black SUV’s blazed down the driveway before screeching to a halt. The helicopter overhead circled, then turned and flew back over the lodge, as a dozen men clad in dark suits poured from the SUVs.

I was relieved that Zattman was dead.

Relieved that I’d avenged Caris, Mia, and the other women he’d tortured, terrorized, and killed.

Relieved that the nightmare was over.

I should have been ecstatic and cheering like the others around me, who were clapping me on the back, congratulating me, and showering me with praise. But I wasn’t.

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