Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,76

your little band of misfits are hiding from me.”

My blood turned to ice, but the rest of my body was blazing with fury.

How the hell had Zattman found us? Funny, it was the one question none of us had thought to ask in all the excitement.

McCoy glanced at his watch and frowned before lifting the mic to his lips. “What girl are you talking about? We have several…visiting here.”

“Several, you say?” The prick let out a demented laugh that made my stomach churn. “Well, then be a good man and send them all out. I’ll choose the ones I want to…play with.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“Then I’m afraid your men will have to die.”

“Let’s not get hasty, Zattman.” McCoy was doing his best to mollify the madman. Though I’d never dealt with a certifiable lunatic before, I had tangled with a few less-than-rational junkies in Detroit. “It’s going to take a few minutes for me to get the women gathered up.”

I waited for him to release the mic and launched to my feet. “Keep him talking.”

“Why? What are you doing?”

“I’m going out the back and then I’m sending that motherfucker to hell.”

“Syd,” McCoy yelled, but I was already sprinting toward Ozzy. “God dammit! Jennings, catch my phone. Then redial the last number I called and tell Agent Steel that if that fucking chopper isn’t here in the next two minutes my men are going to be assassinated.”

“What the fuck are you doing, bro?” Ozzy grabbed my shirt as I slowly opened the door beside him.

“Get down and stay down. If anything happens to me, make sure Caris gets everything…my house, money…everything. Understood?”

“Dude. You can’t—”

I slipped out the door and quietly closed it behind me before he could finish. Crouching low to the ground, I used the sculpted shrubbery as cover while I moved to the south side of the house, opposite the sniper near the studio.

Relieved that Zattman’s sharpshooters hadn’t put a cap in my ass, I rounded the corner of the lodge and proceeded to trample the fuck out of the decorative sawgrass shrouding the side of the house. When I reached the front of the lodge, I prayed the snipers who had their lasers pinned on Cole and Brad didn’t notice me. If not, Caris wouldn’t be slinging another plate of food at Trudy’s. But then she wouldn’t have been a waitress if I hadn’t failed her the first time.

Wiping the sweat from my eyes, I shoved my shame and fear down deep, gripped my Magnum tight, and dropped to my stomach at the front of the house. I commando-crawled across the decorative rocks and slithered between the prickly yucca plants until I was almost at the porch steps.

“I’m running out of patience, Mr. McCoy,” Zattman snarled.

The cocky bastard was standing out in the open, strutting back and forth along the driveway as if he were invincible. Using my elbows, I slowly inched my way to the sidewalk and lowered my head.

“What the fuck?” Quinn hissed, catching sight of me.

I pressed a finger to my lips, then lifted my Magnum and waited for Zattman to turn and start walking toward me again.

The first time I killed a man had been purely for revenge. He was an animal that needed to be put down. I now had another animal in my sights, one who’d inflicted unbearable horrors on women I loved. And like the monster before him, there was zero guilt or remorse pumping through my veins, only ice-cold conviction.

Still wearing a cocky smile, Zattman turned and started my way. A bizarre calm settled over me. My heart rate slowed, as did time itself. I aligned the gun’s sight on the sweet spot between his demented eyes and slid my finger over the trigger.

“Okay, Zattman,” McCoy yelled from the front door. “Call off your snipers and let my men come down. I’ll bring out the ladies.”

Zattman jumped and ducked back behind the Escalade.

Son of a bitch! What the fuck is McCoy doing?

“Not so fast,” Zattman warned.

Snapping my head toward the door, I saw Caris a couple feet behind him. Her shoulders were back, and she held her head high, but her eyes were brimmed in fear. I couldn’t risk telling her to hide. Zattman or one of his henchmen would hear me, and I’d be dead an instant later. Instead, I made a noise like a bullfrog. It was the sound I’d used to alert Caris I was returning to our hideaway in the woods.

She jerked her head Copyright 2016 - 2024