Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,73

“Oh, he might get a shot off, but he’s going to end up swiss cheese, like Sonny at the toll booth in The Godfather.”

“What’s The Godfather?” Harmony whispered.

“It’s a movie, where they kill a guy with machine guns, princess,” Ross replied. “Machine guns shoot a lot of bullets all at once.”

“Like all of us unloading our guns at the same time.” Sofia patted the holster clipped to the waistband of her jeans.

I glanced down at mine and Syd’s. Funny, I’d been wearing the weapon for so long it felt like a part of me now. Turning, I cupped Syd’s cheeks and kissed him hard. Then I delved deep into his chocolate-brown eyes and made him a vow.

“If Zattman tries to lay his hands on me again, I’ll make sure he gets all of me, starting with the barrel of my gun.”

“You go, girl,” Mia cheered.

“Trust me, angel.” Syd slid his strong fingers around my nape and drew me in until I was a scant hair away from his lips. “Zattman’s not going to get a chance to try.”

He sealed his vow with a powerful, potent, and possessive kiss that made me hot and dizzy.

“Amen, brother,” Ross hailed.

And as Ozzy and Darren echoed the same sentiments, I could feel the tension in the room lifting. No, it didn’t completely evaporate, but we were able to fill our plates and start eating our dinner.

Chapter 19


Caris’s entire demeanor changed before my eyes. The combative defiance that ruled her when she was young had been reborn. I could feel it in the air around her, taste it in her kiss, and see the flames of rebellion in her eyes again. My little warrior woman was back, sword ready and dripping with attitude. God help Zattman. If he showed up now, my little hellcat would delight in stripping the flesh off his bones.

The conversation humming in the room came to a screeching halt when McCoy’s radio crackled again.

“Five to base,” Cole repeated.

“Go ahead, five,” McCoy replied.

“Subject’s rental is a black Escalade, right?”


“Well, we got one heading this way, driving real slow.”

“Keep eyes on him.”

“Oh, I am.”

“Two to base,” Tony called out a couple seconds later. “We got movement, east end of the tree line.”

“That’s behind us,” Ozzy murmured.

Caris tensed as my heart lodged in my throat. Zattman couldn’t be inside the SUV on the road and in the tree line behind us unless he’d recruited a team of his own.

“Is it a deer?” McCoy asked.

No one at the table said a word or took another bite. We were zoned in on McCoy’s exchanges with his men.

“Not sure yet. The blip on my infrared was quick, but it definitely had a heat signature. Whatever’s out there is tucked behind a tree…a really big tree.”

“Base. Vehicle stopped approximately fifteen yards from the driveway.”

“Two, keep painting that tree with infrared. Five, I want to know if that vehicle so much as farts. Stay frosty, boys, and keep me posted,” McCoy drawled.

The lead agent turned and leveled his concerned expression on Caris, then Mia. “You two need to get tucked away.”

Snagging her pistol from its holster, Caris placed it on the table—barrel pointed to the wall behind her—and lifted her chin. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Angel, you need—”

“I need to deal with the bastard, once and for all.”

“I’ll let you put the second bullet through the cockbag, angel, but the first one is going to be mine.”

“Let me?” Caris screeched, flames shooting from her narrowed eyes.

“That’s what we’re hired to do,” McCoy reminded.

“No offense, but you and your men weren’t drugged, raped, cut, burned, and mind fucked. Mia and I were the ones who had to endure days of torture at the hands of that cockbag.”

“That’s right,” Mia said, slamming her hand on the table. “We get to help… No. We get to take him out.”

Quinn stood, shaking his head. “I understand the vengeance you two want to dole out, but—”

“There are no buts, Quinn,” Mia countered.

“He’s one man. He can’t kill us all,” Caris added.

I couldn’t lie, a part of me admired their bravery. But the sheer horror of losing Caris, after finally getting her back in my life, obliterated my tendrils of pride.

Pinning Ozzy with a sidelong glance, I subtly darted my eyes toward the ceiling. He pressed his lips together and issued a subtle nod. I was relieved that we were both on the same page. Though we’d likely end up in the doghouse with Caris and Mia, I’d gladly eat my dinner from a petfood bowl Copyright 2016 - 2024