Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,72

two out front.”

“Zattman won’t make it inside the house,” McCoy called over his shoulder.

“What if he does?” The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

“He’ll have to get through us, and trust me, Miss Burton, that’s not going to happen,” McCoy said with an evil smile.

“If the men outside spot Zattman they’ll alert McCoy either before or after they blow his head off, and we’ll assume our positions,” Quinn assured.

“Shouldn’t we secure the ones who need to be now?” Ozzy asked glancing at Mia, unable to mask the pure fear lining his face.

Afraid of Quinn’s answer, I gripped Syd’s arms that were banded around me. I didn’t want to leave him. I’d rather die than risk Zattman putting a bullet through his heart this time.

“That’s up to you guys. If you want to lock them—”

“No,” Mia and I blurted in tandem.

Darren pressed a kiss to the top of Dustin’s head, then turned and nodded at Tori. With tears in her eyes, she lifted the little boy from Darren’s lap, kissed his cheek, and whispered in his ear. She then sent Edward a pleading stare. The old man’s rheumy blue eyes glistened as he took Dustin from her and stood. Gail and Susan followed his lead, but Walter remained seated.

“Go on, Suzie. You go play cars with Dustin. I’ll keep our kids safe,” he murmured.

Susan cupped his cheeks, kissed his lips, and wiped the tears from her eyes as she walked away. Blinking back my own tears, I watched Ruben escort them toward the basement stairs. Then one by one they all disappeared. Long seconds later, Ruben returned, resuming his position beside McCoy.

Knowing Zattman was finally going to make his move felt surreal.

A part of me wished I’d fallen asleep on the porch swing and this was all just a horrible nightmare. But it wasn’t. I was wide-awake, scared half out of my mind, and mentally ticking off the seconds until all hell broke loose. When McCoy’s walkie-talkie crackled, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Five to base,” Cole’s voice came through clear and strong.

“Go ahead, five,” McCoy answered.

“Got a silver pickup coming down the gravel road. Lone driver…gray hair, flannel shirt beneath bib overalls.”

“Copy. Is the vehicle slowing down?”


“Keep eyes on him. Let me know if his speed or direction changes.”


“Probably just a farmer who lives down the road,” Quinn murmured.

Repeating his words in my head, I dragged in a deep breath.

Lucia, carrying a couple of bottles of whiskey and a tray of short glass tumblers on a tray, strolled to the table past Ruben and McCoy.

“What are you doing?” Quinn gaped. “You should be downstairs with the others.”

She set the items on the table with a heavy thud, then slapped her fists on her hips. “I’ve got an eighteen-pound brisket in the oven that I’ve been marinating all day. I’m not about to walk away and let it dry out because of one demented man who gets his jollies torturing women.”

Clearly impressed by her courage, a slow smile curled the edges of Quinn’s mouth. “Fair enough. Thank you for the whiskey.”

“You’re welcome.” Lucia nodded before opening one of the bottles and pouring herself a shot.

After watching the fiery woman refuse to back down to Quinn or the threat looming over our heads, I glanced around the table. There was no way one man, one demented man could harm us all. Oh, he’d like to. He’d love to take me out and end my life for knocking down his perverted house of cards. But as McCoy had so succinctly stated, he’d have to get through him, five other bodyguards, and the heavily armed family gathered around the table.

The terror pinging within began to sputter out as it morphed into conviction. When I locked eyes with Mia, I could see the same conclusion, the same rationale churning in her head. A wide smile speared her lips as she nodded at me.

“Lucia,” I said lifting my chin and squaring my shoulders. “I think it’s time we slice that brisket.”

“Mujeres valientes unidas.” She grinned.

“What’s that mean?” Syd asked, clearly confused at the change in my demeanor.

I shrugged.

“Brave women unite.” Lucia laughed.

“Mujeres valientes unidas,” Mia repeated raising a fist in the air.

Sofia, Tori, and Harmony raised theirs, too.

“Hell yes.” I giggled, thrusting mine up as well.

“What the hell were you ladies drinking on the porch?” Ozzy scowled.

“Empowerment.” I smiled.

“I don’t get it.” Syd shook his head.

“One twisted sack of shit isn’t going to get through all of us,” I explained. Copyright 2016 - 2024