Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,59

know. done it?”

“I didn’t say that.” I felt the heat rise on my cheeks.

“You two got busy last night even after he got shot?” Harmony prodded.

“No. We haven’t done it in fifteen years. At least not together.”

I could see Sofia calculating the years in her head. “You two were doing the nasty at sixteen?”

A laugh bubbled up from inside me. “It certainly didn’t feel nasty at the time.”

“I’m sure it’s going to feel even better now.”

“Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say Syd’s no monk on tour.” Sofia chuckled. “It’s not a bad thing, I mean, practice makes perfect, they say. I have no doubt Syd has perfected some skills that will melt you into a quivering, panting puddle.”

A spike of jealousy pierced my heart, only to be erased by the blast of heat that rolled up my body.

“From what I’ve heard, Burk wasn’t a monk before meeting you, either.” Harmony quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Don’t be, silly. Burk was a slut-puppy from hell.” A sly smile slashed Sofia’s lips as she wiggled her eyebrows. “But he’s my slut-puppy from hell now.”

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Harmony and Sofia exchanged a high five.

I didn’t know if all girlfriends shared about their sex life so openly, but it was like a breath of fresh air—freeing and liberating.

“Do you know if Mia noticed a change in Ozzy’s skills when they got back together?” Harmony asked Sofia.

“I don’t know. All she’s ever said is that he still rocks her world.”

“Wait. Ozzy and Mia were together when they were young like me and Syd?”

“They were older, but yeah, they were an item before now. After Ozzy split, she unknowingly got mixed up with Zattman.” Sofia’s pale green eyes were filled with sorrow.

“Oh, god. How long ago was that?”

“Going on fourteen years.”

“And she just now got the photos back?”

“It was time,” Harmony stated quietly.

“I think it was past time.”

“It wouldn’t have worked to her benefit before now.” Harmony smiled. “Mia’s chakras finally aligned. She reconnected with Ozzy and repaired her heart and is soaring to the top of the rock charts, achieving her purpose in life. The cosmos nudged her to get back those photos and take control of her future.”

From the moment I met Harmony, I sensed a calm Zen about her. Still, I hadn’t expected such a profound bohemian explanation from someone so young. She definitely possessed the wisdom of an old soul, like Emma Halloran had.

When the dishes were done, I wiped the stove and dried my hands.

“Our luggage arrived. I’ve got my computer booted up and ready to start shopping.” Mia giggled from the archway of the dining room.

“Shopping, yay,” Sofia squealed.

“I need to warn you, Caris.” Harmony grinned. “Those two are style goddesses. Whatever clothes and accessories they tell you to buy, just do it. They know their stuff, so prepare to have your mind blown.”

“Okay. Let’s do this.” I pulled Syd’s credit card from my pocket, then sat down at the table between Mia and Sofia and peered at the home page of an upscale clothing store on the computer screen.

“Big-box stores sell clothes.”

Mia sent me a bitch please stare. “And Syd would be pissed at all of us. This is the site we’re ordering from. Deal with it.”

“I’ve heard of this store. It’s super expensive.”

“Just sit back and let it happen,” Sofia said with a laugh, then turned to Mia. “Looks like we’re breaking another cherry, sugar.”

“Excuse me?”

Harmony started to giggle. “They’re talking about me. They had to break my shopping cherry a few months back.”

“Yeah, but Caris didn’t put up near the fight over taking Syd’s credit card that you did Ross’s,” Mia reminded.

“He tricked me.”

“Yeah, but the way he did was epic,” Sofia stated.

“Epically creative,” Harmony drawled.

“What did he do?” I asked.

“Start looking at styles you like, and we’ll tell you.” Mia placed my finger on the computer’s trackpad and started sharing the story.

Two and a half hours later, the online shopping cart was overflowing with a new coat, boots, shoes, slippers, blue jeans, leggings, yoga pants, shirts, sweaters, lacy bras and panties, sexy lingerie Mia added despite my objections, socks, makeup, perfume, and shower products.

“Hand me the card,” she insisted, whipping the computer around so I couldn’t see the total.

“I’ll do it.”

“No, I don’t think you will.” A little laugh slid off her lips.

The grand total must be astronomical.

“Is it that bad?”

“Bad? Not when Syd gets a look at all the naughty lingerie you’re getting for him.” Mia winked as Copyright 2016 - 2024