Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,58


“Believe me, I know what that’s like,” Harmony spoke up with an understanding smile. “I grew up on an ecovillage in the Appalachian Mountains.”

I had no clue what an ecovillage was but knew the pretty, wheat-colored blonde was a kindred spirit.

“The place is beautiful,” Ross added. “We’re planning to get married there when the tour… if the tour is ever finally over.”

“I’m sorry your tour’s on hold again.”

“We’re not.” Syd grinned as he stepped into the room, looking relaxed and happy.


My hormones started screaming the instant he rounded the corner. Hopefully, I could find some alone time to rub out my frustrations in the shower. I’d been too exhausted last night to do anything more than wash the remnants of Syd’s blood off my hands and hair.

Unable to peel my eyes off his broad shoulders and sexy jean-clad ass as he loaded a plate with food, I took a sip of orange juice to cool down my desire. But when he sat down beside me, the flames licked higher up my spine.

Thankfully, questions about our past evaporated, and I was able to eat my breakfast without my belly twisting into knots. Well, until Tony and Al each pressed a finger to the receivers stuck in each of their ears. In unison, they stood and pushed in their chairs.

The air spiked with palpable tension.

“What’s going on?” Quinn asked. His voice was laden with the same concern pinging through me.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to alarm you all,” Tony said, raising his palm. “The guy’s here to install the perimeter alarm.”

I wasn’t the only one who exhaled a heavy sigh as the two men rushed out the front door. Syd reached over, took my hand, and squeezed it. “He’s not going to find you. And if by chance he does, there’s eighteen of us and six armed bodyguards against one sick, twisted piece of sh—”

“Sugar…um, a-are you done with your plate?” I stammered, tilting my head toward Dustin, who was busy licking syrup off his fork.

“Sugar, huh?” Syd grinned, awakening the tingle between my legs. “I like that. Yes, angel. I’m full.”

Working to ignore the suggestive flicker in his dark eyes, I stood and gathered up our plates.

“I’ll help clean up,” Harmony offered as she stood, collecting hers and Ross’s as well.

“Me, too,” Sofia announced. “Who else is done?”

I started loading up the dirty dishes of those who were finished eating, and a sense of calm threaded through me. At last, I’d found something that felt familiar, something I could control.

Harmony and Sofia loaded the dishwasher, while I filled the sink with hot, soapy water to wash the pots and pans. Syd popped into the kitchen and started to hand me his credit card, then grinned at my suds-covered hands and slid the piece of plastic in my back pocket.

He leaned in and brushed a soft kiss to my cheek, then whispered, “You and Mia have fun online shopping. Don’t worry about the cost. Order everything you want or like.”

“Thank you, Syd.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Caris.” He leaned in even closer, his hot breath wafting over the shell of my ear, sending goose bumps erupting over my flesh. “The guys and I are heading to the recording studio. When you’re done, come on down and join us if you want. It’s the big building on the right of the driveway. You can’t miss it.”

He wants me to hear him sing?

My heart nearly exploded. I’d missed Syd…missed everything about him since that fateful night. But the thing I missed the most was hearing him sing to me. I hadn’t cared that we didn’t have a roof over our heads or enough food to eat. When he’d opened his mouth to sing, his deep, rich tenor surrounded me in a blanket of happiness, safety, and love.

“I’d like that a lot. Thanks.”

He nipped the lobe of my ear as a low growl slid down my neck. “Stop thanking me for everything, or I will make you pull your pants down and spank your sexy ass.”

I was still shivering when he strolled out of the kitchen.

“I’m not sure who’s more fun to watch.” Sofia smirked. as she dried the frying pan I’d just rinsed.

“I know. Right?” Harmony grinned.

“What are you two talking about?” I asked, rinsing the soap suds off a second frying pan.

“You and Syd, silly.” Harmony’s grin grew even wider. “The electricity between you two is sizzling.”

“No.” I shook my head. “You’re wrong. We’re just—”

“Friends?” Sofia asked, brows arching.


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