Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,4

and kill you.”

Caris had every right to threaten me, to question my loyalty, and lash me with her venomous wrath. The fact that we’d been a couple of lost kids didn’t exonerate me from what I’d done. Struggling to breathe past the onslaught of guilt pressing in all around me, I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Again? You know this chick?” Ozzy gaped.


“Who is she?” Burk asked.

“An old friend,” I bit out as I retrieved a pocketknife from my jeans, flipped it open, and started sawing the rough twine.

“Put your blade away, Boy Scout,” Ross drawled as he tugged an end of the rope. “The cocksucker tied her in quick-release knots.”

Like magic, the rope dissolved from around her wrist. He reached over the bed and made quick work of the other, while Burk freed her ankles. The bloody, torn flesh at her wrists and ankles sent a surge of white-hot rage rolling through my system. I wanted to rip Zattman’s heart from his chest and shove it down his demented throat.

As Caris lifted her arms and started to cover her breasts—scored in wicked bite marks and burns—I gently raised the dirty, blood-stained sheet over her thin body.

“What are you doing here? Besides robbing the place, which makes no sense. Syd Wilson is one of the richest rock stars of all time.” Her bloody lip curled up in a nasty sneer. “What’s going on, Syd? Trying to recapture your youth, or do old habits never die?”

I was surprised and a bit flattered that Caris had kept tabs on me all these years. But what thrilled me to the core was hearing the same snarky sass roll off her lips like it had when we were sixteen.

“We’re here to retrieve something that doesn’t belong to the cockbag who lives here,” I replied. “What are you doing here, angel?”

“Don’t call me that.” She bristled. “I’m not here by choice, as you can plainly see.”

“I know that. I mean…what happened? How did you—”

“Look, I hate to break up your little reunion, but we need to go,” Burk insisted.

“Right. It’s time to leave.” I nodded.

Accusation flared in her eyes as Caris clenched her jaw. “Of course it’s time for you to leave. That’s what you do best, isn’t it?”

I’d long suspected she still hated me, but having it confirmed stung. Truth be told, I hated myself for leaving her. It was the worst mistake and biggest regret of my life.

“You’re coming with us, Caris.”

“I don’t think so, Syd. Look, I appreciate you guys busting down the door and untying me. But as soon as I find my clothes and my purse, I’m out of here.” She lifted her chin defiantly.

“You’re coming with—”

“We don’t have time for a bullshit power play,” Ross barked, pinning me with a glare. “Grab the girl and let’s go.”

After yanking my ski mask over my face, I lifted Caris—filthy sheet and all—off the bed and cradled her thin body against my chest. I ignored her yelp of surprise, her hiss of pain, and her insistent demands to find her purse. What I couldn’t ignore were the host of ancient emotions warring inside—like how she hated my guts but still fit so perfectly against me. Or how the heat of her body still sent arousal coiling up my spine.

As I strode through the mangled doorway and into the hall, the others followed, pelting me with questions I didn’t have the courage or caution to answer. My focus was split between dismissing the perfection of holding Caris again and worrying about getting her far away from Zattman’s house of horror. As I stepped in the foyer, headlights penetrated the tall windows in the formal dining room and slowly panned the walls.

My gut seized.

Adrenaline spiked.

“Zattman’s back,” I bellowed. “Haul ass.”

“Put me down so I can run,” Caris screeched. “That monster’s planning to kill me.”

Gripping her tighter, I shook my head. “I won’t let him hurt you again. Trust me.”

“Trust you?” Her sarcastic scoff felt like a slap to the face. “Not in this lifetime. Or rather, never again. Put me down. Now!”

“No. I’m not losing you a second time. I’m getting you out of here.”

A low growl rumbled from deep in her chest as hateful curses spilled off her lips.

Caris was still a feisty, fiery force to be reckoned with. Not that it was going to do me a bit of good. Caris didn’t give second chances to anyone, especially me. She’d trusted me and I’d royally fucked up.

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