Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,3

don’t have time for this shit, man,” Burk groused.

“Then we’ll have to make time.”

“Fuck,” Burk groused. “Fine. I’ll check the rooms on the left.”

“Keep banging so we can find you.” The words had no more left my lips than the pounding grew feverish, and muffled screams echoed from behind the door in front of me. “In here,” I said as I tried to turn the knob. “Fuck. He locked her in.”

“Get back,” Ross barked as he and Darren stormed toward me.

After shoving the stack of envelopes in Burk’s hand, the big drummer planted one foot on the floor, then reared back and lifted his leg. Slamming his heavy boot against the barrier, he sent splinters of wood sailing through the air and a thunderous reverberation rattling me to the bone.

I dashed into the room and immediately froze in my tracks. Light from the hallway coupled with the dim lamp from a bedside table illuminated a woman, naked and tied to the bed. Like the girl in the photo, she’d been beaten badly.

Her dark eyes were wild and filled with terror as she forcefully thrashed and yanked at the rough, blood-stained rope attached to her ankles and wrists. And her horrified screams were muffled by the strip of duct tape covering her mouth.

My stomach tilted and sank to my toes as I gaped at the multitude of angry, bloody cuts and burns—both old and new—and the plethora of mottled bruises covering her ivory flesh.

“Son of a…” Ozzy whispered behind me.

As I inched in closer, she tossed her head from side to side, tugging so hard on the ropes that new blood started seeping down her arms.

“Easy, easy,” I said softly, raising my hands in surrender. Tears spilled from her chocolate-brown eyes—eyes that seemed hauntingly familiar. “We’re not here to hurt you.”

She stilled. For a second, I thought I’d finally pierced her layers of panic, but when shudders of fear began quaking her body as she bounced wild stares at me and the others, I knew I’d failed.

She whimpered and eyed each of the guys as they moved in closer. Glancing up at them, I muttered a curse. No wonder she didn’t believe me. We were all wearing our damn ski masks. The poor thing probably thought we were there to kill her.

Ripping the mask off my face, I sent her a pleading stare. “Honest, angel. We’re not here to hurt you.”

The instant the words left my lips, she inhaled a gasp so sharp her blood-caked nostrils narrowed. Her eyes grew even wider as a mournful whine rolled around the back of her throat. Yeah, she’d recognized me, but I didn’t care. All I could think about now was saving the frightened, abused girl.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?” Ross snarled. “She can ID you now… ID all of us.”

As she slowly shook her head, the shock and disbelief shimmering in her dark eyes sent a wave of déjà vu spilling through me. Like a moth to a flame, I couldn’t stop myself from easing onto the mattress beside her. There was some kind of ancient connection I couldn’t quite wrap my head around taking place between us, making my heart race and break at the same time. And when she didn’t try to scoot away or tug at the ropes again, I knew I’d finally pierced her shield of panic.

“I’m sorry, but this is going to hurt.” Cringing, I pinched the edge of the duct tape and ripped it off quickly, like a bandage.

She yelped then pressed her swollen, cracked lips together before dragging in a ragged breath. Then she looked up at me and softly whispered, “Thanks, Syd.”

The sound of her voice sent recognition slamming through me like a roundhouse kick to the balls.


Though her face was bruised and battered, there was no doubt now that it was her.

My heart sputtered and slammed against my ribs as shock exploded through every cell in my body. I knew my eyes and ears were not deceiving me, but my brain was stuck in a continual loop of What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“Don’t just sit there, cut me loose,” she begged. Bewilderment was still sailing through me as Caris narrowed her eyes. “Oh, hell. You’re here to rape and kill me, aren’t you?”

The fear in her voice yanked me from my stunned stupor. “What? Fuck no!”

“Then cut me loose,” she screeched. “So help me god, if you leave me tied to this fucking bed and run out on me again, I’ll hunt you down Copyright 2016 - 2024