The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,75

He’d gotten a woman pregnant and wanted to be a father to the child, despite other circumstances. He’d been a father to Cameron, and been a good father without being there every day or marrying Cameron’s mother. Cameron could do the same with Shelly, if he wanted, and the baby would grow up just fine. Cameron had.

“See, I knew you’d understand. Cameron is a fine man. I had a hand in his raising. Being married isn’t what makes you a good father. Being a good father when you’re with your child, no matter how little time you share, is what makes the difference. Look at you and Emma. She’s a better girl and will be a better woman for knowing you, even if you leave tomorrow. You’ve left your mark on her heart. I hope I’ve done the same for Cameron.”

Marti thought about it and had to agree. She’d shown Emma what having a mother is like. Emma would carry that with her the rest of her life. She might grow up and have children of her own and use what she’d learned from Marti to mother her own children.

“Yes, she’ll be hurt when I’m gone, but at least we had a little bit of time together. If Shelly is a terrible mother to her, at least she knows I loved her with my whole heart. I’ll still see her when Cameron comes to see his baby, but it won’t be the same as being with her every day.”

“You’ll do your best, which leads me to my request. Once you’ve told Cameron my story, I ask you stay here for two months and watch over Emma.”

He patted her hand when she tried to protest. “Hear me out. You know I left the house to Cameron. That’s why I had you do the room. It’s beautiful, by the way. Emma loved it.”

“Yes, she did.” Marti gave him a sentimental smile. She’d remember Emma’s reaction for the rest of her life.

“They don’t know you’re the artist.”

Not a question, so she didn’t respond.

“You should tell them. You have an extraordinary gift, and Cameron has no idea of the kind of woman you are. He’d need a lifetime to discover them all. This is the joy of marriage. But you should tell him who you really are, and you’re carrying his baby.”

“Is that your request? You want me to tell him I’m a Fairchild, and I’m pregnant.”

“No. You once told me simply saying your family name comes with too many preconceptions. I want you to tell him who you are. You’re an author, an accomplished painter and artist, you’re a remarkable businesswoman who works on special projects for Fairchild Industries and sits on their board of directors. He knows you’re kind and generous and a great mother. Tell him the rest. Tell him just how much he’ll be missing by not knowing all of you. You are a unique and wonderful woman. You are one of the most special people I’ve ever known. I’m proud to know my grandchild will be the son or daughter of Martina Fairchild the woman.”

“Oh, George.” Tears ran down her face. “I will tell my child his grandfather was a great man who understood giving your word meant something, and hard work and earning your way meant more than being handed everything. I’ll tell him both his grandfathers were great businessmen, and at one time they were the fiercest of warriors across a conference table.”

“I know you will. You’re a woman of great honor. That’s why I know you’ll do the right thing and tell Cameron when the time is right.”

“Yes, when the time is right.”

“So, he’s getting the house in a few days, and he’s agreed to move in immediately. He and Shelly are going to be married here. My request is you stay for two months. Cameron won’t ask you to leave, I’ve made sure of it. I know I’m asking a lot, but once Shelly has the ring on her finger, I’m afraid things will change. She’ll have what she wanted and she won’t be so nice. I’m afraid for Emma.”

“You think she’s nice?” She joked about it, but she had the same fears. Once Shelly was married to Cameron and had access to his money, she’d be the person everyone knew her to be, a conniving bitch. She’d make Cameron’s and Emma’s lives hell before she’d give up any of it.

“I think she’ll reveal there isn’t a baby, and she’ll spend Cameron’s money like it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024