The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,76

water. She won’t let him go easily because he’s her meal ticket to the country club set.”

“Like I said, you see things for what they are. I tried to buy her off last night and stop all this madness. She wouldn’t bite because she’s after everything she can get.”

“What did you do?”

“I offered to pay her a million dollars to admit she isn’t pregnant and go away.”

“What did she say?” Marti hoped she said something incriminating.

“She said a million wasn’t enough. Marriage to Cameron would give her access to much more, and she’d have the rich and powerful husband she always wanted. He’ll take her places a million dollars won’t.

“I could have offered her more. For her, it isn’t just the money, though the money is only a fraction of an inch behind what Cameron offers. She wants the whole lifestyle. She’ll be invited to parties and luncheons, have respect because she’s his wife. She wants that more than the money.”

He had a surprising revelation. “Wait till she finds out you’re the rich and powerful woman she wants to be. I’d give anything to see her face when she finds out who you really are. I bet it’ll be priceless.” George wheezed and coughed until he could barely catch his breath. She wiped his mouth. He settled back and took slow shallow breaths to calm himself.

Marti didn’t care if Shelly found out she was a Fairchild. She could choke on it for all she cared. Her only concern was for Cameron and Emma.

“So your request is I stay for the two months so I can watch out for Emma when this whole thing turns sour. Do you know what you’re asking, both of us under the same roof with Cameron between us? It’s a disaster waiting to happen, and more hurt than I’m willing to take on, even for Emma. I love him. I can’t watch him take her to bed each night, or kiss her good morning over breakfast. Don’t ask it of me.”

“I’m asking you to watch out for my granddaughter and my son. If I had the time, I’d do this myself. I won’t be here in the morning. I’ve accepted it, and I’m asking. I know I don’t have the right to ask this of you and everything I’ll be asking of you when I’m gone, but you’re all I have. I know you’ll do your best. I’m not asking for a promise because I know that won’t leave you an out if things don’t work out, and you’ll feel obligated to see it through even if it destroys you. I’m asking you to try.”

“I’ve already tried to fix this. He won’t listen.”

“Things will change when I’m gone and you’ll have a chance to make him see.”

He didn’t know how to convince her without telling her everything. She’d learn everything from the reading of the will.

“I’ve left you something in my will. Actually, it’s half of something. I’d like a promise, a true promise from you. I want you to promise you’ll keep this thing I give to you. You can’t sell it, not even to the person who owns the other half. When you pass, you’ll leave your half to your child, Cameron’s child. Will you promise?”

“Yes, George, I promise. I won’t sell it. I’ll pass it down to your grandchild.”

He closed his eyes. The pain grew too much to bear. His vision blurred long ago and now he only saw shades of grey and shadows. He wished to see her face one last time.

“George, you’re tired. Rest now. We’ll talk about it later.”

“I don’t have a later, Marti. I only have right now.”

Pain clouded his eyes. He held his body rigid. His breathing became labored. He was right, he knew, there wasn’t much time.

“George, my gallant Knight, I will try, for you. I’ll stay as long as I think I can make a difference. I’ve already promised Emma she will always be able to contact me, even if I leave. I’ll try, George. Do you hear me? I’ll try.” She grasped his hand, held it to her chest over her aching heart.

The doctor came to the bed and checked George’s breathing and heart rate. “He’s unconscious. It probably won’t be long now. We’ve agreed on a means to make him comfortable until the end. I’ll give him medication to help with the pain and allow him to slip away. I’ll be with him the whole time, miss. You don’t have to stay.”

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