The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,41

from the cold and pure fury.

Sam recognized the effects of the adrenaline coursing through Marti. She was a mother lion protecting her cub from a predator. He had no doubt Marti would leave Emma in the warm water and attack Shelly. He grabbed Shelly by the arm and pushed her out the door and into the main living area.

“Why don’t you have another drink, sit down, and shut up? You aren’t helping matters. You were supposed to watch her, the little girl who is going to be your stepdaughter. Don’t you have any feelings at all for that innocent child?”

“Really, you’re all making a big deal out of nothing. She got a little wet. She’ll be fine. Sharks, my ass. Marti is just making a scene to get Cameron’s attention.”

Sam tried valiantly to hold onto his temper. “Shelly, this is the California coast. The Farallon Islands are famous for their great white sharks. This is their hunting ground. Marti and Emma are lucky they didn’t get attacked. Now shut up and sit, or I’ll throw you overboard myself.”

Sam’s words penetrated the depths of Cameron’s mind, sinking into his heart. Finally hitting him, he understood what Marti had done. Not only had she jumped overboard to save his daughter, but she’d jumped into shark-infested waters without thinking twice.

He pulled his shirt off over his head, moved Marti forward, sat behind her, and put his arms around both she and Emma. Like hugging an ice cube, they both shivered against him. He hoped his body heat would help warm them faster. He rubbed his hands up and down Marti’s arms. Her bottom nestled against his groin and the feel of her this close and tucked up against him sent a shaft of heat racing through his system. His chest pressed to her ice-cold back, but the feel of her skin to skin sent his mind on a journey to Dirty Town. He’d fantasized about having her this close. She shifted, pressing against his hard cock. To his surprise, she snuggled closer and he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He brushed the damp hair from her face and leaned his face to hers. She sighed and settled against him.

Emma’s shaking subsided and the color began to bloom back into her face, but Marti still shook violently. Her teeth chattered so badly, it was a wonder she didn’t chip a tooth. “I’m not very happy with you right now.”

Cameron put his chin on her shoulder. “I know. I’m not happy with myself either. I’m on the top of my own shit list.”

He held her to his chest tighter and squeezed the two of them to him. Jack didn’t give him any privacy, standing and watching them. Sam came back in too. He didn’t care. His whole world was sitting in his arms.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

Cameron’s warmth sank into her. The water helped, but nothing compared to the warmth of a person’s body heat. Cameron this close created another kind of heat. His hard shaft pressed against her bottom.

“You’re warm,” she said to the side of his face. His big hand moved up her arm, over her shoulder, and up her neck to cover the side of her head and hold her close.

“You’re like an ice cube.” He held her tighter to his chest. The shaking subsided.

Emma stirred and mumbled something. She glanced down and Emma’s eyes fluttered. She didn’t open them but lay against Marti’s chest and burrowed in closer.

Marti leaned back against Cameron and caught the smell of Shelly’s perfume on him.

She remembered him walking out of the cabin after leaving her in bed and leaned away. She tried to stand up with Emma, but he stopped her.

“What’s wrong?”

She turned her head to him. “You smell like her,” she accused.

He held her tight. “I know it looked bad, but I didn’t sleep with her. I’m sorry I’m hurting you. I’m hurting too,” he said and leaned his head to hers.

“It’s not the same when she has everything I want. You’ll all be a family, and I’ll still be alone. I won’t have Emma, and I won’t have you.”

She didn’t let him hold her down this time. She stood and turned to get out of the stall and saw the blood all over her chest. “Jack, quick, grab a washcloth behind you.”

He did and rushed to her. He pulled the blood-soaked towel away from Emma’s hand and pressed the clean, dry cloth over the hideous cut.

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