The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,40

was concerned every shark in a fifty-mile radius had caught the scent of blood in the water. She and Emma were sitting ducks.

Chapter Nineteen

* * *

“WE HAVE TO launch the zodiac,” Cameron yelled at the captain, even as a crewmember threw the rope ladder over the side.

“We don’t have time. The water is freezing. We have to get them out quickly. Marti has practiced this. She’ll make it.”

They approached Marti and Emma. They’d never slow down fast enough. As the ship drew closer, the crew dropped the sails, slowing the ship with a lurch before they smoothed out again.

Marti swam, getting in position to grab the rope ladder and waiting as the front of the ship passed her by. She put her arm up and held tight to Emma. It wouldn’t do any good for her to grab the rope only to lose Emma. The water might drag her under the ship, maybe even both of them.

She grabbed the rope, hooking her arm through it. She cracked her head against the side of the ship and fought the force of the water pushing on her as one of her crew took Emma from her arms, flipped her over his shoulder, and carried her up the ladder.

Marti used all her strength to drag herself out of the rushing cascade of water against the ship’s hull with just her arms and finally got her feet on the last rung. Adrenaline gave her the strength to pull herself up and out of such a force. Once she had a foothold, she stepped up the ladder rather well, but fell exhaustedly over the side onto the deck at everyone’s feet.

She coughed up seawater and rolled onto her side. So cold, she didn’t feel Jack and Sam’s hands on her trying to cover her with a blanket and dry her off.

Cameron kneeled next to Emma. He pulled her life vest off and patted her down with a thick towel. She shook violently, her lips and face still blue.

Disgusted, Marti saw Shelly standing back, looking at Emma and Cameron as if she didn’t know why everyone was making a fuss.

Marti dragged herself up to her feet to a great many protests from Sam, Jack, and her crew, and grabbed Emma out from under Cameron’s hands.

“Marti, wait. Let me get her dry,” Cameron called after her.

She ran down the steps and headed for her cabin at the bow of the boat. She ran through the door and into the small bathroom. She grabbed a towel off the hanger and wrapped it around Emma’s hand and pressed it to her chest. She turned on the shower with warm water, stood in the stall, her back to the wall, and slid down to the floor with Emma in her arms. She held her tight. The warm water poured over them, heat sinking through their skin and back into their bones. She shook so violently, it took her a few minutes to notice everyone standing in the open stall door.

“Captain, take us back. Call an ambulance. I want them waiting at the dock. Emma is hurt.”

“Hurt?” Cameron asked, concern filling his voice and eyes as he bent and ran a big hand down Emma’s wet hair, checking her out with a quick scan from head to toe.

Unable to see her injury pressed against her breast, Marti explained, “Her hand is cut.”

“There’s no need for an ambulance for a cut. We’ll just put a bandage on it. I mean, really. What is the problem? She went for a little swim. Once she warms up, she’ll be fine.”

Shelly hoped she’d be fine, or Cameron was going to blame her. The little girl should have been more careful.

“Get that stupid bitch out of my sight.” Marti held and rocked Emma in her arms.

“Come on, baby. Wake up for me, Sugar Bug. Wake up, baby.” Marti kept rocking and rubbing her hands up and down Emma’s back. Her little face remained tinged blue. She didn’t wake up. The fear overwhelmed her and sent tears down her cheeks.

“Why didn’t you wait for us to lower the boat? She would have been fine. She had a life vest on. She wouldn’t sink.”

“I swear to God, I’m going to kill you. Emma is bleeding.”

“So? It’s just a little cut, a little blood. She’s fine.”

“There are sharks in the water, you idiot.”

“Sharks? You’re kidding,” Shelly said, disbelieving.

“Either get her out of here, or Emma or no Emma, I’m going to throw that bitch overboard.” She shook violently now Copyright 2016 - 2024