The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,19

I wasn’t drinking to hurt the baby. I didn’t even truly figure out I’m pregnant until tonight.” She smiled at him and put her hand over his on the table. “You can’t really think I’m so terrible I’d put our baby in jeopardy.”

“Fine. Get the pregnancy test done. We’ll figure out the rest once there’s confirmation. I’ll pay for all the medical expenses.”

“Darling, surely you and I will be married. With a baby on the way, a man of your position and status would surely want to marry the mother of your child. You can’t possibly think to let this child be born out of wedlock. What would my parents say?” She tried to put the proper distress into her voice and hoped he heard her upset and worry.

“What would people you work and do business with think of such a thing?” Pushy, but she wanted to lay the groundwork. The sooner they were married, the better. The sooner she’d enjoy the benefits of being Mrs. Cameron Shaw.

“Like I said, we’ll talk about all that once the test comes back.”

“I’ll make an appointment as soon as I can get one. Won’t Emma be so happy to be a big sister?”

Just the right kind of statement Cameron would expect from a woman interested in being with him and having a family. Why didn’t it ring true?

Cameron didn’t know what to tell Emma. What do you say to a five-year-old when you screw up and ruin your life—and hers in the process?

He was supposed to be her role model, someone she could look up to. He’d let himself down, he’d let Caroline down, and, worst of all, he’d let her down. He’d screwed himself and Emma over a piece of ass who reminded him of a woman he’d never get over. Well, he’d tried to accept her death and not having her in his and Emma’s life anymore. Still, he’d never stop missing her.

Maybe it wasn’t her he wanted, but what they’d had together. They’d been close, in love, the best of friends, and so much more. They’d laughed and loved together. They’d grown together and been there for each other. He wanted the same now. Too late, and to his detriment—and Emma’s, he’d realized in the end—Shelly was just the image of Caroline. It wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted so much more.

The moment he realized his mistake, decided he wanted the relationship and companionship he’d shared with Caroline, who should pop into his head: Marti.

The entire time he’d sat with Shelly, across the room, his daughter laughed and giggled and had a great time with George and Marti. Emma hadn’t acted like that at dinner with him and Shelly. She wasn’t this animated when they had dinner with Knight twice a month. It was Marti who made the difference and brightened Emma’s world. The sound of her laughter rolled over him and renewed his resolve to spend more time with her.

“Let’s go fishing this weekend. Saturday. You have three days to get to the doctor and verify you’re pregnant. We’ll go fishing on my boat with Emma. If you’re pregnant.”

If I’m pregnant. You’ll see. “Sounds wonderful, darling. You know, it’s been a long day. I think it’s time to go home.” She pretended to yawn to prove her point. She wanted to get away from his scrutinizing glare. He wasn’t happy, and even more suspicious about her being pregnant. She’d have to be careful what she did and said from now on. Besides, she needed time to think this new part of her plan through.

“I remember Caroline could barely keep her eyes open some days when she was pregnant.”

He remembered so many things about her pregnancy. How he’d lay next to her in bed with his hand on her growing belly. She was green most mornings for the first three and half months. Right when she woke up, she’d dash into the bathroom and he’d find her lying on the rug. She was so happy after a week of waking up without ending up on the bathroom floor. The end of the pregnancy hadn’t been a picnic for her, but she was never down or wishing she weren’t pregnant. She’d often tell him there was nothing like knowing a little person was living inside of her.

Shelly watched the emotions play over Cameron’s face. She almost felt guilty. He’d lost his wife after she’d delivered Emma. She didn’t know the exact story, but Cameron’s face said it all. It hadn’t been Copyright 2016 - 2024