The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,18

a bad situation worse. Sue her for custody once the baby is born. You shouldn’t have any problem getting a judge to see things your way. If she isn’t pregnant, and I don’t think she is, dump her and get Marti’s number from Knight. Emma loves her already.”

“She does, doesn’t she?” Not hard to miss the instant connection and bond his daughter had with Marti.

“Yes, and it should tell you something. Emma hasn’t had a single thing to say about Shelly. She doesn’t like her.

“Did you see Emma, Cameron? She ran right to Marti. She bypassed you and me and went right for Marti’s outstretched arms. There’s something special there. You saw it when she held Emma.”

“I did see it. Now tell me how to get out of this mess I’m in.”

“You made the mess, you’re going to have to clean it up. I’m still trying to get past the fact you slept with her. I thought you had better taste.”

“She looks like Caroline,” he said simply, knowing Elizabeth would understand. “Right up until she opens her mouth. I got caught up in my own twisted fantasy and things turned to shit.” He squeezed Elizabeth to his side. A good friend. Whatever he said to her, she wouldn’t hold it against him or throw it back in his face.

“Oh, Cameron. I had no idea. Caroline must have been a beautiful woman. Shelly is. But you’re right, it’s ruined when she opens her mouth.”

Elizabeth looked back at Marti and Emma. “On the other hand, Marti is gorgeous and she’s nice. I’d kill to have her hair color, all those shades of brown with streaks of gold. Did you see the color of her eyes? They remind me of Jenna’s. A soft jade green.”

If he closed his eyes, he pictured her in full detail. The fact that he couldn’t remember what Shelly looked like in his mind at the moment hit him right in the gut.

“She’s beautiful, all right.”

Pulled in one direction, he went in the other, back to his table.

Chapter Ten

* * *

“HOW ABOUT ANOTHER martini?” Elizabeth asked as she passed their table, getting in one more dig about her lying about being pregnant.

No self-respecting expectant mother would swill martinis night after night, Cameron thought. Shelly ignored the question. Nothing she said would overshadow her drinking multiple martinis over the last two days in his company.

Instead of answering Elizabeth, she turned her attention on him, went on the defensive, and lashed out. “Finished wagging your tongue over George’s mistress?”

Direct hit. He rolled the idea around in his mind, never expecting the outrageous statement. He refused to believe Marti was George’s mistress. He was in his seventies. She couldn’t be more than twenty-five, tops. Hell, she was too young for him, and he was only thirty-two.

“Let’s talk about this so-called pregnancy. You can’t really think I’d believe you’re pregnant. I used protection every time we were together.”

“Every time?” She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head. The knowing grin made him think hard.

He used protection, but she remembered the first time he’d been out of control with wanting her and he hadn’t used anything. On the pill since sophomore year of high school, she’d just gone along, swept up by his enthusiasm and need for her. The office of the president of Merrick International had been a powerful aphrodisiac. How many million-dollar business deals were made in his office?

It hit Cameron like a sledgehammer over the head. The first night. He’d lost his head thinking Shelly was Caroline. Hungry for Caroline, he didn’t think to be cautious or careful with Shelly, and now he was going to be a father again with a woman he didn’t want around his daughter.

“What do you want, Shelly?”

She looked at him expectantly. “I want to be with you. We’re having a baby. I thought you’d be happy about it. You love Emma so much, and you’re a devoted father to her. You will be to our baby too.”

“First you’ll take a pregnancy test and prove you’re pregnant. Once done, and it’s positive, we can talk about the rest.”

He pinned her with his gaze. “And just so we understand each other about what I expect if you are carrying my child, you will not drink alcohol. You will take care of yourself and my baby. Are we clear?”

Shelly got the message loud and clear. My baby, indeed. She was going to get a marriage proposal and everything she’d ever wanted out of this baby. Their baby.

“Absolutely, darling. Copyright 2016 - 2024