Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,48

He hands me the gun and a box of ammo. I grab my bag from the floor and slip them both inside.

“Thanks, Reid, I appreciate it. Let me know if you need a favor,” I hold my hand up when he grins, “that doesn’t involve your dick, and I’ll see what I can do.” I place the coffee cup on the table before climbing to my feet and sliding my bag over my shoulder.

“You’re no fun,” he complains, “but don’t sweat it. I’d rather know you have something for protection. You get ahold of the previous Gemini’s guys?” he asks curiously.

“A couple.” It’s not a lie, but I won’t be using them for anything other than as runners. I sure as shit won’t be using them as security, but I don’t share that with him.

“Okay, good, there must be a few who would make good guards. A security detail would make people less inclined to mess with you,” he urges.

“I’m working on it. Don’t worry Reid, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

“This is a big city, babe, the scale of debauchery is off the charts. Whatever it is you think you know, you don’t. I don’t want to see this pretty face on the front page of the newspaper because they found you floating face down in the bay.” He huffs.

“Reid, I get it, and I’m touched by your care, but I’m meaner than I look. You have to trust me when I tell you this. I spent too long climbing my way out of hell to ever go back there.”

“Okay, I’m gonna hold you to that, Cherry.”

“You do that, Diablo,” I sass, making him laugh. Which, of course, makes my pulse speed up.

Yeah, I need to leave before I strip us both naked and forget the world around us exists.

Chapter Twenty

“You sure you guys are okay with this? I know Gary told you that you’d be acting as protection for the bar, so if you don’t want to do this, then I won’t force you.” I stare at the two men in front of me, Danny and Baker. Danny is the taller of the two. He has auburn hair a few shades lighter than mine and aqua color eyes that make me want to dive in and swim. Baker is a touch shorter, perhaps 5’11 to Danny’s 6’1. His hair is such a pale blond, it almost looks white, and his eyes are a stone gray. He gives off an outwardly cold untouchable vibe because of it, but then he smiles, revealing twin dimples, and it softens his features completely. Both of them were recommended by Gary, who told me they are ex-military and highly skilled.

They are a part of the crew brought in to coordinate security for the bar, but I’m about to do something slightly insane tonight and I could use some backup. Not that I won’t go alone if I have to.

“So, you want us to act as protection for you tonight?” Danny asks, looking me over. I know what he sees—a short ass at 5’1 now that I’ve kicked my damn heels off, wearing black skin-tight jeans and an off the shoulder lemon sweater, with my hair loose and crazy. I look every inch the twenty-one-year-old I am. I’m playing to my strengths today, and with where I’m heading, the less I look like a threat, the better.

“Tonight? Yes, but honestly, I’m looking for more than that if you guys feel like a good fit. I need a full-time security team; one I can trust to have my back a hundred percent.”

“Can I ask a question?” Baker crosses his arms across his broad chest, his cold eyes focused on mine.

“Sure. I might not be able to answer, but I won’t lie to you,” I reply, perching my ass on the edge of my desk.

“What’s your story? How did you get tangled up with this Gemini and do you need us to get you out, because we can do that? We can hide you somewhere no one would find you,” he offers. Danny nods beside him in agreement.

That’s sweet. It’s a shame I’m the big bad wolf and little red all rolled into one in this story.

I sigh, knowing this might not go down well, but if I don’t gain their trust from the beginning, then it’s game over before we’ve even started.

“What I tell you stays in this room,” I order, and despite

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