Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,47

this. I wouldn’t want to deprive you.”

“I honestly don’t know how I haven’t killed you yet,” I groan as he walks away, and I take in his tight ass in the white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips.

“You won’t kill me yet, at least not until you’ve had your fill of me. Mark my words, Cherry, one day there will be nothing, not even a towel, between us,” he yells over his shoulder, thankfully disappearing and giving me a reprieve. The sad thing is, I think he might be right.

I set about making coffee, grabbing the cups before moving over to the fridge to snag the creamer.

Large hands grip my hips from behind, making me jump. He doesn’t grind into me like I was half expecting, saving me from having to elbow him in the throat. Instead, he dips his head and inhales deeply.

“Are you sniffing me?” I spin in his arms, looking up at him.

“I can’t help it. You smell like strawberries and vanilla. It makes me want to eat you.” He presses me against the counter, letting me feel the hard length of his dick between us.

“Reid,” I warn him. Every time he pushes the issue, it gets harder to refuse him.

It pisses me off that I feel anything at all. Reid is dangerous with a capital D, and I take too many risks already with this crazy life of mine to justify taking any more. Especially when I know all it will buy me is pain.

I shove him back and step around him, snagging my coffee and making my way over to the sofa.

“What are you wearing? You look like a sex kitten. I can’t think with you looking like that,” he grumbles, still shirtless but at least he has jeans covering his dick now.

“I came straight from my office and I’m here for a reason, remember? And before you open your mouth to speak, it’s not to suck your dick. You have plenty of women to do that for you,” I gripe, sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

“Fine, you’re safe for now, but I’ll wear you down eventually, Cherry, you can bet on it.” He grins, sitting beside me.

That’s what I’m afraid of, but I’m hoping if we keep our distance from each other, whatever this thing is between us will fade.

“I need weapons,” I tell him without preamble, turning the subject to the reason I came here.

He pauses with his coffee to his lips, looking at me with a frown.

“What kinds of weapons?” he asks cautiously.

“Just a couple of handguns. I’m a young single girl with a lot of enemies now that I’m the new Gemini. I need to be able to protect myself,” I admit.

“Why not go to Zodiac? I told you he’d help source all that for you.”

“I don’t need a crate of guns. I need maybe four guns max, small enough for me to shoot and carry comfortably, and plenty of ammunition to go with them.”

“Do you even know how to shoot? It’s a little more complicated than aim and shoot.”

Actually, it’s not. That was good enough against Clyde.

“I know that. I’ve spent plenty of time at the gun range. I might be Gemini now, but I was a runner before that. I both carried and shot a gun before, many times, but I want something clean that’s untraceable if possible.”

He sighs. “Yes, I can get you a few guns, no problem. I actually have one you can have now until I get them. It’s a spare I have, but I never use it. It gets cleaned regularly, but then it goes back in its case. If you want it, it’s yours,” he offers.

“That would be awesome, thank you.”

He nods his head and disappears down the hallway, giving me some time to sit quietly and drink my coffee before he returns.

It’s tidy in here, and knowing Reid, somehow I can’t picture him polishing or vacuuming, so I wonder if he gets someone in to clean for him. The man must be nuts. It would take a lot for me to let a random stranger into my inner sanctum like that.

“Here we go, a Sig Sauer P365. Should be a good size for you. You got a permit?”

I snort at him. “No, I don’t have a permit. I’ve only just gotten a permanent address, but it’s next on my list.” I know it sounds silly, criminals worried about permits, but it’s a way to keep the cops off your back.

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