Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,34

take a bite of the eggs and moan. “Wow, these are good.”

“Why, thank you. The secret is the cheese,” he reveals.

I file that away for later. Surely even I can’t mess up scrambled eggs and cheese, right?

“So, after you take me to my new place, can you take me to the division that’s now apparently mine?” I need to find my footing around here and the sooner I do that, the better.

He pauses with his fork halfway to his mouth. “What?”

“I’m a division head now, right? That means I have shit to do. I have never been the kind of girl to sit around and do nothing, so I want to get started as soon as possible.”

He doesn’t look thrilled at the prospect, but that’s not my problem.

“If that’s what you want, I’ll need to make some calls, but I can do that while you’re checking out your new pad.”

“Sounds good.” I nod and continue to eat, finishing off my eggs and toast way before Reid does.

He laughs when he takes in my plate before staring at his own.

“Jesus, you must have been hungry.” He shakes his head, finishing up his food as I take my plate to the sink.

“Sorry, it’s a habit. You learn to eat what you can when you can and as quickly as possible on the streets so nobody can swipe it from you.”

I turn to face him when I hear his fork clank loudly on his plate.

“You don’t have to worry about that here. You’re hungry, you eat. If you find it in the fridge or cupboards and you want it, eat it. Nobody is going to take it away from you anymore.”

I try not to let his words warm me, but even knowing he’s a two-faced asshole doesn’t make this mask of duplicity he wears any less appealing.

I offer him a nod and turn back to the sink before swallowing. I make quick work of the breakfast dishes and the ones left over from last night while I wait for Kai to finish.

“I’m just going to jump in the shower, and then I’m all yours.” He speaks from right behind me, making me tense.

“Okay, I’m ready when you are.”

He presses a kiss to the side of my head in a bizarrely soft gesture before heading back to the bedrooms.

I turn to watch him go and frown when he uses the room he loaned to me. Why isn’t he using his own room? Unless that is his room? Fuck me, I’m such an idiot.

I creep down the hallway and wait for the sound of the shower before dipping inside the room Kai said was his.

I pause in the doorway. It’s an exact duplicate of the other room only flipped. Everything is the opposite way round, and instead of being decorated in navy and cream, this one is tastefully done in a soft green and white.

Nothing looks out of place. There certainly isn’t any handy clue lying haphazardly on the bed waiting to be found. A peek in the closet shows the same as the next room—rows of suits with shelves of jeans and T-shirts and footwear stacked neatly underneath.

Not a thing appears to be out of place, and I don’t have time to start rummaging through shit without getting caught, so I pull the door closed behind me and return to the bedroom. The room reveals nothing, so I move to check out the bathroom, but a groan has me freezing.

Shit, has he hurt himself? I make my way to the door but pause when I hear my name being moaned. I flush when I realize he’s not hurting, well other than his dick taking a beating.

My head spins at the knowledge that he’s making himself come thinking of me.

I have to fight back the urge to slip my fingers inside my panties and return the favor, but lusting after the devil will only lead me to hell.

The water shuts off and I know I’m out of time, so I pull the door shut behind me and head back to the kitchen area to wait.

I tidy around a little until he reappears wearing a grin and just his jeans and boots, a white T-shirt gripped in his hand. His golden skin is still damp, so I shut my eyes to stop my wayward thoughts. Kai Reid makes me forget I’m a smart girl. The second I stepped inside his apartment, I’ve felt a reckless need to let down my guard and be the twenty-one-year-old I

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