Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,89

was giving Ryan a hard time—“I’m not her boyfriend; I’m her fiancé.”

“Does she know you aren’t pretending?”

Harvard cocked an eyebrow. “Do I look like an idiot? Stealth is the only way to deal with your sister. You sneak in under her radar and slowly occupy her territory. Then one day, she looks around, and she’s married and wondering how it happened.”

“I almost feel sorry for you.” Jonathan chuckled. “You have no idea what you’re up against.”

Harvard motioned to security. “Looks like Ryan needs rescuing.”

“Typical. It’s always bloody Uncle Charles. The sooner that man retires and gives us all peace, the better.”

As they approached the desk, Preston and his brother, Marcus, arrived for the day. They nodded politely at Harvard before turning their attention to where Charles was arguing with Ryan.

“I will not hand over my phone,” Charles snapped. “You’re new here and obviously ignorant about our policy. Phones and personal devices are, and always have been, allowed within this building. Call your supervisor. I want to speak to Terrance immediately.”

“Charles,” Jonathan said as they reached the desk, “what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that this guard here wants me to give him my phone. Where’s Terrance? He needs to deal with this.” He looked around as if expecting the man to manifest. Which was highly unlikely, given that he was still locked up in Benson Security’s basement.

“I’m afraid Terrance has taken ill,” Jonathan said, struggling to hide his distaste. “Since that left us rather in the lurch, I’ve asked Harvard to step in until we find a replacement.”

“Harvard?” For a second, it looked like Charles’ head was about to explode.

“Yes. Being former intelligence and currently employed by one of the most respected security companies in the world, he seemed the best man for the job. The fact that he’s practically family is an added bonus.”

Harvard smiled politely as Charles and Preston frowned at him. Marcus just looked confused.

“This is highly irregular,” Preston said. “Important positions within TayFor are only filled after a lengthy interview process and approval by the board.”

“I haven’t given him a position,” Jonathan said. “I’ve merely asked him to help out until Terrance feels better.”

“This is outrageous,” Charles snapped, spittle flying. “Do we even know anything about this man? In a very short time, he’s not only managed to worm his way into our company but also Rachel’s heart. I can’t be the only one who’s concerned about this. How do we know he isn’t a conman?”

“Bloody hell, Charles,” Preston said. “He’s standing right there.”

“I’m happy for you to check out my background and references,” Harvard said with a relaxed smile. “But you can do it after you hand over your phone to Ryan. There’s been a security breach. It will take a couple of hours to fix. In the meantime, the building’s vulnerable to hackers using cellular devices to access our systems. You’ll get your phone back as soon as we’ve secured the facility.” He inclined his head. “As an owner of the company, I’m sure you’re more than happy to ensure its continued security.”

“Is that all this is?” Marcus reached into his pocket. “Here, take my phone. I’m going to grab a coffee before the board meeting starts.” As he walked past Charles, he said, “Stop being a prick and hand over your phone.” And then he pushed through the doors to the offices behind them.

“Well, I never,” Charles snapped. “Has everyone around here lost all sense of decorum?”

Preston put his phone on the desk. “Just give the man your phone.” He gave Harvard a sympathetic smile before following his brother.

Charles slammed his phone onto the table and glared at them. “I will investigate you. Don’t think for one second that I won’t.” Then he stormed into the building.

“Whoa,” Ryan said. “That dude does not like you. What did you do to him?”

“I was born black,” Harvard said. “You got everybody’s phone now?”

“Yep.” Ryan grinned and rubbed his palms together. “Let the games begin.” He took the tray of cell phones and headed down to security, where Elle and Harry would hack each one.

“With any luck, we’ll have your thief within the hour,” Harvard said.

Jonathan’s eyes turned dark. “Good. I could do with a target for venting my anger.”

Couldn’t they all?

The board room was bursting with family members. Every single one who had shares in the company had turned up—which wasn’t usually the case. Even Rachel’s grandmother and her Uncle Harold were there.

“I’ve come to see what trouble you cause,” her grandmother had told Rachel after Copyright 2016 - 2024