Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,88

still around after three. They could be wondering what it will take to get you out of TayFor. That’s a dangerous position for you to be in.”

“I understand, but I’m not the same person I was ten years ago. I don’t scare so easily. Anyway”—she waved a hand at Harvard—“I have a bodyguard.”

“And a team at your back.” Callum sounded defensive, as if expecting her to argue.

“You aren’t alone this time, Rach,” Harry said. “You’ve got all of us.”

Everyone nodded, looking determined and deadly serious.

“Oh good,” Rachel muttered. “How wonderful.”

And Harvard burst out laughing.

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Please put your phone in the tray,” Ryan said to everyone as they entered TayFor’s main building on Monday morning.

Harvard and Jonathan stood off to one side, keeping an eye out for anyone who objected. TayFor’s CEO had lost his patience with anybody who didn’t do exactly as they were told.

“Terrance?” Jonathan forced through gritted teeth for the umpteenth time, fury emanating from the man. “I trusted that bastard. Ten years I looked to him to keep this company secure, and all along, he was responsible for destroying my sister’s life.”

“Rachel’s life wasn’t destroyed.” Hands in pockets, Harvard stood relaxed, taking in every detail around him.

“Derailed then,” Jonathan bit out. “In the most horrific way possible.”

That Harvard could agree with.

“This is killing Father.” Jonathan cursed. “He hired Terrance. If he hadn’t…”

“The person behind all this would just have found somebody else to do their dirty work.”

Jonathan let out a heavy breath. “You’re right. I…we…none of us can get our heads around this.” His hands clenched to fists at his sides. “I want to hurt someone. Never saw myself as a violent man, but now all I can think about is ripping those bastards to shreds.”

“Yeah, you’re not the only one.”

As they watched, Charles and Samantha came through the main doors. Samantha smiled and headed straight for them while Charles glared and strode toward security.

“Harvard,” she simpered, standing a little too close. “You really must have a word with Rachel. She refuses to visit the bridal boutique I found for her. It was a terrible faff getting them to agree to see us. They’re booked out months ahead, and I practically had to beg them to fit us in. Be a darling and make her come with me.”

Pulling out his phone, Harvard casually increased the distance between them. “I’m making a note now, so I don’t forget.”

“You are a catch, aren’t you? My cousin’s a lucky woman.” She stepped right up to him and patted his chest. “Are you sure I can’t lure you away? Blondes do have more fun, or so they say.”

To the casual observer, Samantha would appear to be playing, but Harvard knew better. He’d come across women like her a few times over the years. Their self-esteem depended on them believing that everyone in the room found them to be the most attractive woman available. The only way to get rid of them was to play to their ego.

He took her hand, patted it, and sighed with feigned reluctance as he released her. “If I wasn’t completely in love with your cousin, you would be a serious temptation. But we both know that you don’t need me; you could have your pick of any man around you.”

Her eyes flashed with approval. “True.” She took a step back. “Still, it’s a pity. I shall always wonder what might have been.”

“Now, that isn’t true. I’m the kind of man who’s easily forgotten, but a woman like you…” He left it hanging.

“I do believe you’re a charmer.” Samantha beamed at him, but all flirtatious behavior had vanished. “Now, don’t forget to tell Rachel that we simply must visit this designer.”

“You have my word.” He placed a hand over his heart.

“Men,” she cheerfully reprimanded before strolling away.

“You dealt with that pretty efficiently,” Jonathan said. “I don’t know whether I’m impressed or want to vomit.”

“Yeah, let’s keep that little exchange between the two of us. I don’t want Rachel getting the wrong idea and ripping her cousin’s eyes out.”

“That would be inconvenient,” Jonathan agreed. “Considering Sam’s in charge of our marketing and needs her eyes to approve our visuals.”

“Wouldn’t want to get in the way of TayFor’s success,” Harvard said somberly.

“You know,” Jonathan said, turning serious, “she’s done that with every boyfriend Rachel’s ever had; sometimes it worked. It’s a miracle the two of them still get along.”

“It’s because Rachel never cared one way or another about those guys. And”—he kept his eye on the desk, where Charles Copyright 2016 - 2024