Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,37

me, and my subsequent explanation to Sumo, had left me feeling unsettled. Like I’d given up some of my control. People talk and even if they don’t mean to, they might let something slip. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t wanted to contact Autumn, Erin’s friend. I don’t want to have to depend on others to keep my secrets. It’s a trust issue.

Mind you, I have plenty of reason not to trust. Over the years there have been so-called friends, people I worked with, as well as people who worked for me, who didn’t think twice to share or even sell personal tidbits of my life for their own gain.

Not that I think for a minute Sumo or his son would purposely sell me out, but they might accidentally. It’s what’s been plaguing me since this weekend. Contemplating whether or not I should get ahead of any possible complications and pack my bags to find another place I could lay low. It’s why I’ve mostly avoided Sumo’s calls and any invitations this week.

I shouldn’t be surprised to find him standing at the counter, Bryce by his side.

“Hey, guys. What are you doing here?”

I glance over to find Jenny observing us closely.

“Turns out my son has the same sweet tooth I have,” Sumo says deceptively casual, even though his eyes ask all the questions. I quickly look away at Bryce and smile at the kid.

“Hey, Bryce. How are things?”

“Fine.” He shrugs and tries to look unaffected like teens are prone to do.

“We’ve come to stock up,” Sumo continues. “My parents are driving up from New Mexico this weekend and Dad also likes his pastries. I was hoping we could put in an order and pick it up fresh Saturday morning, but I wanted to make sure to catch you.”

“Sure.” I go to grab a pen and pad lying beside the register and notice we still have Jenny’s undivided attention. “Jenny, do me a favor? Could you finish that order of cinnamon buns I was working on? They have to go in the oven right away, Mrs. Franks is picking them up at noon.”

As soon as she disappears to the back, I turn around to find only Sumo standing there.

“I sent Bryce to pick out some snacks,” he explains. Then he leans forward on the counter and adds in a soft voice, “You’ve been avoiding me all week, Annie. Why is that?”

I try to think of an excuse but can’t come up with anything.

“I don’t know, it’s—”

“If the next word out of your mouth is ‘complicated’—save it,” he interrupts. “Life is complicated. Fuck, I think I have complicated down pat. That doesn’t mean you ignore a good thing when it happens, just because you’re scared.” I glance away. With a few words he hits the nail on the head. He’s right; I am scared. “Annie,” he prompts gently, “look at me.” I reluctantly lift my eyes. “We need to talk.”

“I know, but Bryce—”

“He won’t be there. He’s spent the past two afternoons up at Arrow’s Edge tinkering on cars with a couple of other kids his age. He loves it. They’re having some kind of cookout tonight and he was invited. He’s gonna spend the night.”

I curse my traitorous body for the involuntary tingle in response to those words. I’ll agree to a talk—I have a feeling I don’t really get a choice in the matter—but only to explain why this isn’t going to work.

“I’m glad for Bryce. It’ll be good for him.”

“Yeah,” he agrees, his eyes warming. “So what time, Annie?”

“I have to take my neighbor’s dog for a walk after dinner so how about eight?”

“How about I pick us up a pizza? We can talk while walking the dog.”

He raises an eyebrow, challenging me. I’m about to stand my ground when I see Bryce sauntering this way.

“Fine,” I hiss. “Now what would you like to order?”

I don’t know why I’m so nervous.

I also don’t know why I bother rushing to get home, just so I can have a quick shower before he shows up. Not like I intend to let him get close enough to smell a shift at the hot bakery combined with odor of wet dog clinging to me.

Shit. All we did was share a few kisses, it shouldn’t feel this hard nipping it in the bud. It does, though. He’s a good guy. A better man than most I’ve met. He’s also clearly not ready to walk away from me, even after I’ve ghosted him Copyright 2016 - 2024