Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,36

stay with me. I insisted on a paternity test.”

Blue huffs, “One look at that kid and anyone can see he’s yours. Spitting image.”

“Yeah, well, I needed to be sure. I’d planned to call you but then everything went into overdrive. Got him off the airplane in Denver on Friday and since then…” I let my sentence trail off.

“I get it. Still pissed as all get out, but I understand. When we first got Esme, Christ, it was like living in a bubble. The rest of the world ceased to exist.”

A bubble is a good description. Except it wasn’t just the two of us, I pulled Annie into our bubble as well.

Before I have a chance to brief her on that, the front door swings open and Bryce and the dog walk in.

“It’s safe to come in,” I call out. “Close the door and come meet Blue properly.”

He looks a little uncomfortable as he makes his way to the kitchen, an apprehensive dog at his heels.

“Hi.” He lifts a hand with an awkward wave.

“Happy to meet you, Bryce. Sorry about the little meltdown earlier. I hope you know I was pissed at your dad, not at you,” she clarifies, before turning to me with her tongue sticking out.

“As you can see she’s real grown-up about it too,” I tease, turning my back to get us coffee. Behind me I hear Blue asking about the dog’s name, and by the time I get her coffee doctored the way she likes it and turn around, she’s sitting on the kitchen floor coaxing the pup closer.

“She likes me.”

“She likes the fact you smell like dog and baby spit,” I correct her.

“Whatever,” Blue mutters.

Bryce, who’s leaning against the island, snickers.

“She has three mutts, a cat, and a baby,” I explain before adding in a stage-whisper, “Also, she doesn’t get out much these days.”

“Oh, shut up. For your information, I was at the station to see what the schedule for the next week is when I discovered you were off. Chief offered to put us both back on for the week after that, but I’m seriously considering asking for a new partner.”

I reach down, grab her hand, and pull her to her feet, so I can give her the coffee and pour my own.

“You’ll do no such thing, otherwise I’ll be stuck with Billy Bapcock forever.”

“Who’s Billy Bapcock?” Bryce wants to know.

“My temporary partner. He’s barely out of diapers.”

“He’s a nice kid,” Blue defends him. “I just met him today.”

“Kid being the operative word.”

“So when you go back to work, am I still gonna stay with you?”

The moment I hear the uncertainty in his voice I could kick myself.

“Yes,” I respond firmly, even though I haven’t really given it much thought. Yet. “That was on the list of things for us to work out this week.”

“I don’t mind being alone. Mom wasn’t around much either, I’m used to it. Maybe I can get a job again.”

Again? He’s fourteen fucking years old. I look over at Blue and catch her blinking furiously. I walk over to my son and hook an arm around his neck. Other than that first handshake, it’s the first time I’ve touched him. With my other hand I ruffle his hair.

“If you want to find something fun to do, that’s fine by me, but you don’t need to get a job. Like I said, we’ve got time to figure it out.”

“I have an idea,” Blue volunteers. “You should take him up to Arrow’s Edge sometime this week. They always have kids around.”

That’s actually not a bad idea. I know Brick does an apprenticeship at the garage for some of the older kids. I have no idea if Bryce would be interested, but it’s worth checking out.

“What’s Arrow’s Edge?”

I grin at the kid. I may not know him well, but I’m pretty sure he’s gonna like this.

“It’s a motorcycle club.”

Sure enough, his eyes go wide as well as his grin.




“You’ve got visitors.”

I look up from the cinnamon rolls I’m arranging on the baking trays to find Jenny sticking her head in the doorway.

“Me?” I ask, even though she’s looking in my direction and not Ted, who’s working on the other side of the large stainless steel table from me.

“Yup.” Her head disappears before I can ask who.

I quickly wash my hands at the sink and wipe them on my apron as I walk out.

These past couple of days I’ve avoided going into the store, letting Jenny or Ted refill the display cases. Bryce recognizing Copyright 2016 - 2024