Return to Me (To Me Series #1) - Lucy Darling Page 0,15

It isn't until I’m on the ground floor and walking out of the building that I realize I don’t know where Victor’s office actually is. Crap.

“Mrs. Wolf.” My head jerks around to see Jackson standing by a black SUV holding the door open for me. He is never too far from Victor. “I’ll take you to him.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask, walking toward him.

“My job ma’am.”

“Thanks,” I say, getting in. I’m not sure I should be thanking him just yet. We’ll see how this goes.

“Anytime.” He shuts the door behind me, hopping into the driver's seat and taking off. I sit in the back wondering if this is such a good idea.

“Ma’am.” I’m broken from my thoughts when Jackson opens my car door. “We’re here. He’s on the top floor.”

“Thanks again.” I step out of the car, my head falling back as I look up at his massive building. Of course he owns a giant building. The man owns half the city. His hands are always in anything that has to do with real estate.

I continue walking, heading to the security desk. When I reach it, I lift my bag onto the counter to get my identification out. The security officer looks up from what he’s doing to make eye contact with me.

“Something you need, Mrs. Wolf?” His use of my married name leaves me speechless for a second. I would correct him but I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t like the sound of it. I stand there staring at him, not knowing how to respond.

“No. I was just going up to see Mr. Wolf.” I’m not ready to refer to him as my husband, not until I see why the hell he hasn’t been looking for me.

“The elevator bank is over there.” The officer breaks the silence, causing me to get moving. I grab my bag and make my way to the elevators. “Mrs. Wolf,” he shouts across the lobby to me, causing me to turn around. He points to a different set of doors. “That is the elevator you take. It will bring you directly to Mr. Wolf.” Of course he has his own elevator. I almost roll my eyes but head over to where the officer pointed. The doors open, I step in and press the button to the top floor.

In seconds, the doors open. I step off the elevator to see a wall of glass. A woman pops up from a desk, hitting a button to make the glass doors slide open.

“Mrs. Wolf. Right this way.” She beams at me with a giant smile. Again, everyone knows who I am. What is more shocking is that everyone here knows who I am but the news of Victor and my marriage hasn't gotten out yet. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“No thank you.”

“Are you sure? I know you like Snapple iced tea. We’ve had it stocked here so that it’s available when you visit. Actually, we’ve had all your favorites brought in.” I stop walking to look at her. She’s still smiling, looking bright eyed at me.

“I’m sorry. You know me but I don’t have your name.” I hold my hand out.

“June.” She takes my hand. “I’m the secretary here.”

“I’m going to be honest with you. You seem really happy to work with Victor.” She throws back her head and laughs.

“I’m always happy.” Her smile drops. “Unless provoked.” That makes me smile because in the blink of an eye she went from sunshine to deadly. She is what one would call stealthy. People think they can get away with shit all the while she is marking down their every move. I’m sure reporting it back to Victor.

“I believe it.”

“So tea?” The smile comes back.

“No thank you. I just need to see Victor.”

“Of course.” She motions for me to follow her. We turn down a hallway and she points at two double doors. “That’s his office. I’ll leave you two alone. If you need anything at all just ring me.” She turns back to her desk, leaving me alone in the long hallway. I look at the doors knowing this is it. I’ve come this far. There's no backing down now.



I watch on the monitor as Mackenzie stares at my door for a moment. “Come to me,” I grit under my breath, wanting it to be her choice. These last four days have been some of the hardest of my life. She is so close now, finally coming for me. I barely Copyright 2016 - 2024