Return to Me (To Me Series #1) - Lucy Darling Page 0,14

day. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep myself away from her, but it has to be done.

She needs time to collect herself. It will let her mind settle, making her realize that I am her husband and that I’m not going anywhere. She also needs to see that she wants this as badly as I do. It’s going to be hell not going to her but I’ll do it for us.

Getting dressed, I head back downstairs to my waiting car and hop into the back. My driver doesn't need to be told where I want to go. I might not go to her, but I sure as fuck can be close to her. It will help me not break. I’ll be able to control myself, just barely, as long as she’s at least in my sight.

I’ll watch and wait. It will be utter torture but it’s worth it. She is worth it. I have no doubt about that. I am doing this for her and for her I’d do anything. I don’t care if it rips me up inside. I know that when it is all said and done that I will not only have my wife but I’ll have killed any of those demons she subconsciously struggles with.



I sit at my desk bored out of my mind. I really did hire the most efficient wedding planner for my sister. The woman is killing it and here I am sitting at my desk with idle hands. Worse, my boss is working on nothing. He has no new projects or anything outstanding that requires my attention. He’s not even showing up for work these days. I shouldn’t care because I’m still getting paid. There is nothing for me to do, which gives me too much time to stay inside my head. And we all know what’s in there—Victor.

It figures when I need my boss to be here demanding stuff from me that he wouldn’t be. I shake those thoughts from my head, knowing that he’s home making my sister happy and that’s what matters the most. We closed out our last big deal last week. I should be working on something new, but Colt isn’t looking like he is going to be doing anything but my sister in the near future.

I check my emails again, but there’s nothing there. I jump when the phone on my desk rings. I grab it quickly.

“Mackenzie Davenport.” My heart races as I wait to hear Victor’s voice.

“Ms. Davenport. It’s Scott Brown in legal. I was calling about your annulment.”

“Oh.” My shoulders drop. It’s been four days and I haven't heard a peep from Victor. Nothing! I don’t even know if he’s back. Surely he didn't stay at the resort.

“We still can’t reach Mr. Wolf.”

“Maybe he’s out of town still.” I fish, hoping they have something to give me.

“No, he’s in the city. I had it confirmed because we’re going to have to have him served if he decides that he’s not going to cooperate.” I clench my jaw. What is he doing? If he’s not coming to see me then why not sign the damn papers already? “We tried to call him several times with the number you gave us but he hangs up on us when he does answer.”

“Bring me the papers. I’ll get him to sign them.” My hand tightens around the phone.

“I’ll send them over. You can print them.”

“Thanks.” I hang up the phone. Why is he doing this? I grab my cell phone, trying to find his number. I pause when I see the name husband listed in my contacts. I click it, causing it to open up to a picture of us in bed. I’m asleep on his chest. I fight the tears that prick my eyes, wondering what would have happened if I stayed.

I hit the call button. It barely rings once before Victor's deep voice fills the line.


“I need to see you. Where are you?” I stand, grabbing my purse.

“Where would you like me to be?”

My hand pauses over the button to the elevator. His words imply he’ll be anywhere I like. If that was true then he would have already been in bed with me each night. I wouldn't have had my hand between my thighs trying to find the same pleasure he’d given me.

“I’ll be at your office shortly.” I end the call as I hit the button on the elevator. The door opens. I step on, putting my phone back into my bag. Copyright 2016 - 2024