The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,88

on her jaw, his eyes burning as he drove his prick in deeper and deeper. “I’ll take care of you. You know that, don’t you?”

“I know,” she said, her reply garbled by the fleshy pole he fed her.

He seemed to understand, his thrusts becoming harder, heavier. She had the exhilarating feeling that he was as lost in their passion as she was. She managed to relax the hinge of her jaw even more, and he groaned as he went deeper than he ever had. On his next thrust, he nudged her throat, and her eyes watered, her muscles clenching in reflex.

He withdrew, gasping, “God, Fancy, sorry…”

“Don’t stop,” she panted. “I want more. All of you Knight…the way you’ve had all of me.”

His eyes blazed with feral hunger. Then he was inside her mouth again, his big cock moving between her lips, stoking the need in her pussy. All she could taste, smell, feel was her mate.

“I’m going to spend,” he gritted out. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want to take my seed in your mouth.”

She dug her fingers into his thighs, holding on. His muscles turned to rock beneath her fingertips, his hands clenching the back of her head, his hips bucking. She heard him roar her name, then a hot, salty burst drenched her senses. His fingers dug into her scalp as he ejaculated, and she swallowed the scalding shots, taking them as her due. Tremors wracked his strapping frame, and knowing that she had caused them filled her with a heady sense of power.

Chest heaving, he pulled out, and the world spun as he hoisted her off her knees and tossed her onto the bed. She giggled as he crawled over her, then moaned when he entered her with a commanding thrust.

He was hard, throbbing, huge inside her.

“Already?” she gasped.

“For you, wife, I’m always ready,” he said in a guttural voice.

He spent the rest of the night proving his words.


The next morning, Fancy awoke alone. She was curled up on her side, facing the empty space that Knight had vacated, his pillow still bearing his musk. Memories of the night washed through her, accompanied by the faint ache of well-used muscles and the twinges of a megrim. Despite the reminders of her excesses, she couldn’t help but smile.

Goodness, her husband was wicked…and insatiable.

Then again, so am I.

As she stretched like a contented kitten, a sweet fragrance wafted to her, and she turned her head toward the table by her bedside. Her heart fluttered when she saw the bouquet of red roses, each bloom large and perfect, arranged in a porcelain vase. Next to them was a small paper packet and a glass of water. Sitting up, she reached for the note propped against the vase and read Knight’s bold scrawl:

My sweet Fancy,

* * *

Please accept the roses as a token of my esteem. The packet contains willow bark and will help with any megrim. I have placed extra guards on duty and informed the family that, for safety’s sake, you must all stay home today.

* * *

See you at supper.


* * *

P.S. I am proud of you. Always. And if you need further help with your lessons, I shall be happy to assist.

Smiling dreamily, she plucked a flower from the bunch, the de-thorned stem smooth between her fingertips. She brushed the silky petals against her nose, inhaling the delicate scent and reveling in her husband’s gesture. The note and flowers were so Knight: thoughtful, sensually teasing, and gallantly protective.

Even if some mysterious villain wanted to harm her, she felt safe…because of Knight. Because, with him, she’d found her place of belonging. She had fallen in love with him, her prince who gave her a home and made her feel special. An image flashed of their future together: they would have darkly handsome boys who Knight could teach to be gentlemen and successful men of business, pretty girls to whom she could impart the skills of being a lady and a tinker.

Confidence and clarity bolstered her resolve. Her plan to make herself over into a duchess was working, but there was more to be done. Now that she had admitted the truth of her own heart, she could not settle for anything less than Knight’s love. Princess Adelaide’s soiree was in a few days. If Fancy could pull off a dazzling debut as the Duchess of Knighton, then maybe Knight would finally kiss her. In that magical moment, she would know she had his whole heart.

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