The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,87

spine. He kept his expression bland.

“Take off your chemise, and I’ll show you.”

Fancy blinked at her husband. “I ’ave to be naked for this lesson?”

He arched his brows. “Do you want my help or not?”

She did want help, and the truth was she wouldn’t mind something else either. Now that her flux was over, she was eager to resume her marital activities. She had enough liquid courage left in her to reach for her chemise and pull it over her head.

She looked up into her husband’s eyes. What she saw in his smoldering gaze was more intoxicating than any beverage. Her heart thumped giddily.

“Nicely done,” he said.

His calm, almost cool reply heightened her excitement. Grabbing a pillow from the bed, he tossed it onto the floor in front of him.

“Now kneel, sweetheart,” he said.

Her pulse raced. Was he in earnest? His expression said that he was. They’d never done anything like this before, and the idea of being on her knees, naked at the feet of her fully clothed husband, stirred the darker shadows of her desire. There were faint crinkles around his eyes, a sensual slant to his mouth that suggested they were playing a game. A new, sophisticated sort of game that a duke could apparently play with his duchess.

With the danger lurking in her life, Fancy experienced a wild need to lose herself in the fantasy Knight was offering. To surrender her worries and fears for the night. To not think about anything but the pleasure she felt in his arms.

Her knees quivered as they bent, touching the feathery cushion. She gazed up at him, and the molten approval in those grey eyes made her feel faint with wanting. He unbuttoned his jacket, his manner leisurely while her heart pounded as if she’d run for miles. His waistcoat went the way of his jacket, and he began to work on his shirt. The parting panels of linen revealed the bulging, hairy planes of his chest, the taut stack of muscle below. And below that…she swallowed.

A thick, vertical bar strained the front of his trousers.

It was good that she was kneeling for her knees went utterly weak.

He reached for his waistband, began unbuttoning the fall, his unhurried pace ratcheting up the sensual tension. The wobbly feeling spread from her knees to her center when he took out his cock. By all rights, she ought to be used to his size by now, but she’d never seen his manhood from this angle. It loomed over her, jutting from his open placket like a weighty branch, bobbing under its own weight.

He fisted himself, pumping the veined rod while her palms itched with the memory of how it felt to stroke the velvety skin over the rigid core. She wanted to touch him now, but she had a feeling that he had something else in mind.

“We’re going to work on an exercise to keep your jaw loose,” he said in a conversational tone.

An image flashed, causing a hot quickening between her thighs.

“’Ow?” Her voice sounded throaty.

“You’ll practice by taking my cock in your mouth.” He kept pumping his huge erection, teasing her with it. “Only if you want to, of course. Do you want to, sweeting? Do you want to suck your husband’s cock?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“What a good wife you are. Now open your mouth, and I’ll give you a taste.”

Shivering, she obeyed, and he brought his member to her parted lips. She saw a pearly drop leak from the slit in the tip, glossing the fat head. He laid his cock upon her tongue, and the taste of him, salt and clean male musk, spread through her like a drug. Pleasure and craving swirled in her blood.

“That feels nice,” he said thickly. “Shall we practice having you take more?”

She made a sound, muffled by the heft of his cock, but he seemed to know her answer. Steadying her head with one hand, he guided his hardness deeper into her mouth.

“Keep your jaw as relaxed as you can. That way I can get deeper.” His voice sounded hoarse as she followed his instruction. “God, yes. Just like that.”

He began to thrust slowly, taking her mouth the way he did her pussy. She moaned around his plunging thickness, her hands latching onto his cloth-covered thighs. The reminder that he was still mostly clothed heightened the depravity of what they were doing. She clenched her thighs together, feeling their slickness and her own throbbing need.

“Let go, my sweet Fancy.” His touch was gentle Copyright 2016 - 2024