The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,117

“I deserve to take some licks. You won over my family; now let me win over yours. Don’t fret, I’ll work things out with them.”

Bemused, she watched him “work things out” by helping her Da and brothers with their jobs. Without complaint, he, a duke, joined them in clearing trees and fixing fences for a neighboring farmer. He played kickball with her brothers and was so good at it that the boys fought to have him on their team. After supper, he sat on a log around the fire and smoked a pipe with Da. When Fancy joined them, he pulled her onto his lap, holding her close while he and her father swapped stories.

Now that Knight had let her into his heart, he seemed less guarded in general. As they lay in their carriage at night, warm and lax from lovemaking, he told her more about his past…things, he confided, that he’d never told anyone. Hearing about his mama’s slow descent into madness and his painful visits to Bedlam brought tears to Fancy’s eyes.

But there were good stories, too. Memories of the French songs his maman had sung to him, the way she could set a table to look pretty, even if the flowers in the chipped vase had been discards from the market, the tablecloth an old patched bedsheet. As it turned out, his maman had been a good cook, and when she had the money, she would splurge and buy the ingredients to make his favorite almond cakes (Fancy made a mental note to try her hand at recreating the recipe). Fancy was more convinced than ever of his mother’s strength and love. When she told him so, he gave a gruff nod and crushed her against him.

She also shared the story of her mother and the ironstone dishes, and the important lesson she had learned.

“For most of my life, I’ve made do with what has been given to me. I’m good at mending and patching things up, but rarely have I asked for what I wanted,” she admitted. “Even though I knew that I loved you early on, I was afraid to tell you. To ask for your love in return. I should have stood up for my dreams instead of running away. So I am at fault as well.”

“The fault is entirely mine for being an idiot. As to the rest, I want to know what you want,” he said intently. “What you think and feel, your heart’s desires. Everything that is in my power to give you, Fancy…it’s yours. You need only ask.”

The love blazing in his eyes warmed her. Emboldened her. Running her fingertips down the stacked muscles of his torso, she circled his cock. He instantly hardened in her grip.

“As a matter of fact, there is something I desire,” she said, batting her lashes.

His lips curved in a slow, sensual smile. “Let us hope it is in my power to give it to you…again.”

Which, of course, it was. Again and again.

Another evening, Knight told her about Imogen’s abuse at the hands of her husband. Fancy’s lingering resentment toward Imogen gave way to a swell of empathy.

“How dreadful,” she said.

Knight nodded. “I think that was the real reason she approached me at the soiree. She needed someone to talk to, but she couldn’t bring herself to voice her unhappiness and kissed me instead. When I set her aside, she broke down and showed me the bruises beneath her necklace.”

Fancy’s heart hurt for Imogen. She had always thought the lady looked fragile, on the verge of tears. She’d attributed that to Imogen’s unrequited love for Knight, but maybe what the lady really wanted was protection from brutality that no woman should have to face.

“Poor Imogen,” she said softly.

“That is why I couldn’t leave her that night,” Knight said. “No woman should suffer at the hands of her husband.”

“Of course you couldn’t abandon her,” Fancy said. “No man of honor would.”

The lines around his eyes eased. “At the same time, I didn’t want to interfere where it was not my place. I convinced her to talk to her kin, and I accompanied her as a friend.”

“How did it go?” Fancy asked.

“Her brother is handling the matter. If he needs help, he knows where to find me.”

“I am glad Imogen is safe,” she said sincerely.

“So am I.” Knight cupped her jaw, his gaze fierce. “You are the only woman in my heart, the only one who has ever possessed me body and soul. You know that, Copyright 2016 - 2024