The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,116

to come back to the camping ground with me?” she whispered.

“I will go anywhere with you.” Love illuminated his eyes, banishing the shadows and ghosts. “Wherever you are, my love, that is where I want to be.”


Severin woke up in a sensual daze. It took him a moment to recognize what he was staring at: the ceiling of his carriage where he and Fancy had spent the night. Memories of their passionate reunion flitted through his sleep-clouded brain and evaporated in a haze of disorienting pleasure. He dipped his chin, and what he saw and felt ripped a groan from his chest.

He was lying on a velvet pallet on the floor of the cabin, and his naked duchess had made a place for herself between his thighs. Her delicate fingers circled the thick pole of his morning cockstand, her lips a hairsbreadth from the mushroomed tip.

“Good morning,” she whispered against his erection.

“It bloody well is,” he said raggedly.

A smile tucked into her cheeks, and she kissed him, butterfly touches up and down his turgid shaft. He wove his fingers into the thick silk of her tresses, enjoying the teasing caresses, arching his hips for more. As always, his wife knew what he needed, and he hissed out a breath when she took him inside her mouth, surrounding him with wet, sucking bliss.

Pleasure drilling down his spine, he watched Fancy’s head bob upon his prick. The pretty, wanton picture she made and the sensations she bestowed upon him drove him mad with desire. He’d made love to her three times last night, yet he was nowhere near sated.

Then again, he had waited a lifetime for his beloved. Was it any surprise that he had so much need stored up for her? Yearning to possess her as completely as she possessed him pounded in his heart, his cock, his very soul.

His wife. His duchess. His.

With a growl of pure need, he sat up, reaching for her. He felt her surprise when he rolled her onto her back, reversing their positions so that he lay atop her, his head hovering over her pussy, his cock poised above her sweet mouth. His own mouth watered at the sight of her dewy pink cleft.

“Together, sweeting,” he rasped.

He buried his face between her downy thighs, felt her jolt as he tongued her, from her pearl all the way to her hidden rosebud. God, but she was delicious. He ate her pussy with ravening hunger, and she drew on his prick with equal fervor. As he plunged his tongue into his duchess’s cunny and his erection into her giving throat, he knew he’d found heaven.

Feeling her lips kiss his balls, he knew this trip through the pearly gates could be a short one. He wanted her to come first. Driving two fingers into her tight sheath, he pumped her while he licked and sucked on her love-knot. She gasped, the sound muffled by her mouthful of cock. Her passage convulsed around his fingers as her honey gushed against his tongue.

He shifted position, putting them face to face. Looking into his wife’s peerless brown eyes, he thrust into her lush hole and growled, “I love you, Fancy.”

Her eyes held him as securely as her body. “I love you, Knight.”

He began to move, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, letting him in even deeper. He took her mouth in a hungry kiss as he pounded into her luxuriant heat, taking everything she offered, giving back the same. When she began to come again, he groaned, overwhelmed by his need and love for her. He blew inside his wife, pleasure turning him inside out as he gave every last drop of himself to her sweet keeping.

He collapsed on his back and cuddled her against his thundering heart.


He looked into her sated eyes. “Hmm, love?”

“I didn’t know life could be better than a faerie tale.”

His heart full, he said, “It is going to get even better, I promise.”

He kissed her again.

At Knight’s insistence, they stayed for three more days.

Fancy knew that her husband was a busy man, yet he was giving her time with her family because he knew how much they meant to her. He was also making an effort with Da and the boys. Although she had reassured her family that all was well—better than well—in her marriage, they’d understandably remained suspicious of Knight and his intentions.

He had taken it in stride, telling her that he deserved their hostility.

“I was a damned fool,” he told her bluntly. Copyright 2016 - 2024