Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,172

“You can stay. Lorenzo was just about to leave.”

Lorenzo protested in a string of Italian curses, but Alessandro waved his arm to shut him up and switched to Italian as well. He remarked they would finish later and asked him to leave us alone. Lorenzo wasn't happy, but he obliged and stormed past me with the swiftness of a tornado. The door behind me closed, and I remained glued to the spot, my gaze directed at the dark hardwood floor.

“Why are you standing by the door?” Alessandro inquired softly. “Come closer...take a seat, tesoro.”

He pulled out a chair for me, and somehow, my watery legs moved in his direction. The spicy scent of his cologne consumed the air, evoking memories I desperately fought to suppress. A cold sweat emerged on my forehead, and bile rose from my stomach. How am I going to tell him? I was careful not to come too close, but I couldn't escape Alessandro’s watchful gaze.

“You don't look so well, piccola,” he observed, as he helped me into the chair. “Would you like something to drink?”

I shook my head. “No, thank you.”

“All right. Suit yourself,” he said, and circled the desk, sitting in the spare seat across from me. “So tell what do I owe the pleasure? It must be something really important since you went looking for me out of your own free will.”

My eyes found his, and I felt burned by their mocking, dark scrutiny. “I just wanted to ask you something,” I admitted, keeping my voice calm.

Alessandro crossed his arms over his chest. “I'm listening.”

“It's kind of delicate.” I hesitated.

His eyes narrowed and he leaned back in his chair, observing me for a few moments. “How delicate?”

I drew in a deep breath, trying to steady my breathing and be brave. “I don't want you to get upset.”

He smirked with false charm. “I'm afraid I can't make any promises. My state of mind depends solely on what you’re about to say.”

I breathed in and out again. I had to speak. I had to tell him. There was no other way.

After a long break of silence, Alessandro snapped. “Spit it out, Olivia. What do you want to talk about?”

I swallowed hard. “Babies.”

He gave me an incredulous look. “Babies?”

I nodded and held his cold black gaze.

He stared for a few long moments and then burst out laughing. “Que cosa?”

While he snickered, I remained completely serious. “I just want to know how you feel about them.”

“You mean, in general?” he asked, suppressing laughter.

“I mean, about having one,” I muttered miserably, treading on an area I never thought I would have to tread with him.

Suddenly, all amusement disappeared from his expression and Alessandro turned deadly serious. “You’re on birth control, right?” he demanded.

“Right,” I confirmed.

“So, what is the point of this conversation?” he challenged. “I find it hard to believe you’ve developed a motherly instinct at such a young age.”

“And what if I have?”

“I would be stunned to say the least,” he muttered, and then taunted cruelly. “You do know what you have to do in order to make a baby?”

“Of course, I know,” I snapped and my breathing turned ragged. “I'm not an idiot.”

He smirked with rich amusement. “I wasn't implying that you were, but you can't blame me for being suspicious when you’ve tried nothing but to avoid my attention for the past four years, and now you come to me with a straight up invitation for intimacy.”

“That's not why I'm here,” I retorted quickly.

Another mocking smile graced his lips. “My mistake, piccola…but please, do enlighten me about the reasons behind this mysterious visit.”

Here it goes...Don't let him see you're scared. You have to fight for this baby. “I went to see my gynecologist,” I began, but it was difficult to continue.


“And she told me...”

His lips parted slightly and he lazily jutted his jaw. “She told you what?”

“I had my doubts that I was...pregnant,” I revealed, aware I should tread carefully.

Alessandro arched his eyebrows in clear disbelief. “Pregnant?”

I gulped. “Yes.”

“How come?”

“I just...” I wasn't sure what I should say. “I was late and...I didn't feel very well.”

His expression hardened. “And are you pregnant?”

I swallowed hard, and contemplated telling Alessandro the truth, but every instinct in my body rebelled against it. He didn't seem even the least bit enthusiastic about the possibility, and I reevaluated my resolve to fight him. If he wanted to get rid of the baby, he had the power and the means to do it. How could I put anything past him? Copyright 2016 - 2024