Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,171

“They'll know.”

His eyes met mine and he arched his eyebrows, as if wanting to convince me to trust him. “They won't suspect a thing. Accidents happen all the time.”

“Not to Alessandro, they don't...” I whispered in a shaky breath.

He smiled with mystery and shook his head. “You talk about him as if he were an invincible god.”

“He’s very strong...very powerful,” I recited the words.

Broderick exhaled. “That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that he’s a human being, and that in itself makes him vulnerable.”

Why did he have to be so persistent and sure of himself? Didn't he understand I couldn't let him do this? “I don't want you to get hurt,” I whispered. “Not because of me.”

He caressed my cheek. “Olivia, I'm not going to get hurt. I'm only going to tamper with the software in his car a little, so I can disable the brakes at a crucial point. Trust me. It's that simple.”

No, it’s not, Broderick. It’s not that simple... Taking part in plotting Alessandro's murder was more than I was willing or able to do. I wanted to obtain my freedom, but I was not a murderer. Pulling a trigger in self-defense was one thing and planning a cold blooded murder completely another. There had to be another way for me to convince Alessandro not to hurt this baby.

“I don't...I don't think I can,” I admitted in defeat. “He hurt me a great deal, but I don't want him dead.”

Broderick gasped a frustrated laugh. “Well, you should. How can you sympathize with this bastard after everything he has done to you?”

His words hit me right where it hurt, and my eyes filled with tears. “You wouldn't understand...”

“You're damn right, I wouldn't.” His hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. “From where I stand, he deserves everything that's coming to him and then some.”

“Broderick, I can't,” I said in a restrained voice. “Please, let it go.”

The sudden, miserable expression on my face made Broderick pause and he didn't say anything for a while. Instead, he pulled me into a tight embrace and offered his silent comfort. It felt too good and too soothing for me to push him away, so I didn't. I just remained calm in his arms because the feeling made me regain some of my composure.

“You're upset. Perhaps this is not the time to have this conversation,” he whispered against my hair. “I can imagine you need to think and let the news of your pregnancy sink in.”

I nodded, choking back the tears. “Thank you.”

He lifted my face and our eyes met. “I will not bring it up again, but I want you to know that if you change your mind, you just have to tell me, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

We stared at the sea for a while longer. Then, we put our seat belts back on and Broderick drove me home.


Contemplating on my options, I remained inside my bedroom for hours. The revelation I would become a mother changed everything. I adjusted to it a lot sooner and with a lot less difficulty than I thought. Instead of despairing, I grew stronger in my resolve to fight, and I was prepared to risk it all to ensure my baby was fine. If I had a choice, I would escape into a deserted island where no one could harm us. But that was impossible. As much as I wanted to hide this pregnancy, I couldn't avoid facing my biggest fear. It was already late when I gathered the courage to tiptoe to Alessandro's office. I drew in a deep breath and knocked on the door. To my surprise, I was instantly invited to enter.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my black skirt and stepped inside. Breath froze in my throat and I shuddered at the unexpected sight of Lorenzo who sat across from my husband. Alessandro's eyes flashed with surprise as I gulped and took an instinctive step back. Lorenzo cleared his throat and glared with a cutting expression of disapproval. He didn’t appreciate the interruption. Disturbed by his unapologetic scrutiny, I reddened to the roots of my hair and released a shaky gasp.

“Excuse me,” I muttered quietly. “I didn't know you had company.” Itching to get out of there, I shifted and reached for the door knob when Alessandro's deep voice made me stop dead in my tracks.

“Olivia, wait,” he demanded, and I wheeled around slowly, careful not to make eye contact with either of the two men. Copyright 2016 - 2024