Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,127

against himself until I stopped shivering. Then, he removed his hand from between my thighs and slowly spun me around. I gave him an uncertain look. He was naked and very aroused, so I knew what would follow. I was still bringing my breathing back to normal. I couldn't meet his eyes, and he seemed amused by it.

“Don't worry.” He ran his slick fingers down my lower lip, coating it with the residues of my wetness as if it were lipstick. “I won't ask you to return the favor just yet. But the next time you try to deny me...remember this moment when you fell apart in my arms and whispered my name, begging for release.”

I parted my lips in wonder, unsure of what to do. Alessandro groaned and took me by complete surprise, trapping my lips into a long, consuming kiss. His tongue penetrated my mouth and started massaging mine in an interlude of devouring passion.

“You taste too goddamn sweet, principessa,” he breathed against my lips. “Just as I remember. I missed you so fucking much.”

While I gazed at him in shock, he moved away and reached for the towel, wrapping it around his waist. He smiled one last time and brushed his thumb against my cheek in a passing gesture. Then, he walked away and disappeared behind the door that led to the shower. I remained staring after him....dazed and confused.

I was not in the mood to go swimming anymore. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. When I stepped into the hallway with my arms wrapped firmly around my middle, I came face to face with my new bodyguard.

“Mrs. Damiani, are you okay?” His eyes narrowed, as though he could tell something was wrong.

I nodded and quickly lowered my gaze to the floor, scurrying past him before he could ask more questions. I could feel his eyes boring into my back as I advanced down the dark hallway.


The Past (2 years prior)

The pleasure I received from Alessandro always came with an expensive price tag of self-loathing. What happened by the swimming pool had the exact same devastating effect on my conscience. The realization I was so gullible when it came to Alessandro's touch left me mortified because I knew he was aware I wasn't strong enough to resist him.

I beat myself up for hours, feeling guilty. My dangerous estranged husband had such power over me that he could make me abandon every single principle and get me to succumb to him despite everything he had done. The hands of the man who had hit me, intimidated me, threatened me, left me scarred and kept me imprisoned behind the bars of his golden cage still didn't feel wrong when they came upon my skin.

I asked myself over and over again what was wrong with me. Why couldn't I freeze him out and reject his advances when he approached me? Why couldn't I just endure it without feeling anything? It would have been much easier to bear than this.

The worst of it was that I knew this was far from being over. Alessandro resumed our intimacy for a reason and the incident by the swimming pool was a warning of what was to come. I was sure of it.

A few nights later, I received confirmation my instincts were eerily right about his intentions. I was awakened by soft whispers and the familiar spicy scent of cologne that slowly infiltrated my senses, alerting me to Alessandro's presence. I opened my eyes with a quick start and saw him hovering above me in half-darkness. He was naked from the waist above and he had that dark, hungry expression on his face. The sight of him resembled a distant memory, rising from the fog and turning into reality.

“Alessandro, please don't,” I beseeched in a helpless whisper, afraid my heart would break apart if I suffered through one more humiliation.

“It's been a year, Olivia. I’m a man of flesh and blood. I can't live like this any longer,” he murmured above me. “You've had your pleasure. Now I need to have mine.” He leaned closer and closer as if he was about to kiss me, and I moved away from him. He paused and gave me an arrested glance.

I swallowed hard and made myself speak. “I wouldn't...I wouldn't mind if you found someone else,” I mumbled in an awkward tone, hoping it would be enough for him to leave me at peace.

His eyes narrowed on my face and he Copyright 2016 - 2024