Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,126

but at least there is passion. We may not enjoy each other's company, but we sure enjoy the sex.”

“I don't enjoy it,” I retorted in a tormented voice.

He gasped a soft mocking smile and his hand slowly lowered to my belly. “You’re a liar, Olivia.” His fingers closed between my thighs, touching my most sensitive flesh through the fabric of my swimsuit. “If I put my finger in there right now, I bet you’d be soaking wet...and ready for me.”

I couldn't say anything. I was focused on not making a sound. I didn't want him to affect me like this, but my treacherous body wouldn't listen to my mind.

“Shall I do that?” he asked in a hot whisper as his index finger traced the edge of the silky material. “Shall I put my finger in there, Olivia?”

My hand closed around his, but that wasn’t enough to stop him. I gasped and shuddered as his probing fingers grazed my naked flesh. His fingertips made slow circling motions around the sensitive bundle of nerves, intensifying the unbearable torture and bringing me to the verge of insanity.

He kissed the spot behind my ear. “See? I knew you were a liar.” He nuzzled his nose in my hair and breathed hotly as he continued touching me. “So fucking hot. So fucking responsive...Madre di Dio, you’re burning for me, Olivia.”

I fought to stay calm, but it was impossible. Every now and then, my hips flexed of their own accord and muffled moans escaped my throat. Alessandro brought me to the brink of ecstasy and then eased the pressure. I was so close, but he wouldn't let me have it. The hardness of his arousal rubbed against the small of my back, and I knew he enjoyed tormenting me like this. Then, the towel wrapped around his waist slid down his legs and fell to the floor. Alessandro grasped my hand and slowly guided it toward his erection, wrapping my fingers around the soft skin of his length. I tensed and tried to snatch my hand away, but he began whispering gentle reassurances in my ear. “Calm down, tesoro. I won't go all the way,” he soothed. “I just want you to touch me for a while. You can relax.”

His hand remained closed around mine and he slowly guided it up and down his shaft as he resumed his touch between my thighs. I bit down hard on my lower lip and whimpered softly. The electrifying sensations brought me to the verge of insanity, and his denial to grant me release made me shiver with powerful need.

“ more,” I pleaded in a voice heavy with frustration.

“Do you want to come, Olivia?” His breath burned my skin.

“I...I don't,” I wanted to deny it, but then he intensified the pressure and I almost screamed. “Yes...I...Oh...A-Alessandro.”

“Then say it,” he demanded in a whisper.

“What?” I didn't know what he wanted from me. I couldn't think.

“I want you to say...” He brought his lips to my ears and murmured, “Alessandro, please make me come.”

“Alessandro, please...” I couldn't do it. I couldn't make myself say it.

“That's a good start, piccola,” he taunted with rich amusement.

“Alessandro, please.” I was at the verge of begging. “I can't take this any longer.”

“Then help yourself,” he whispered in between soft kisses. “Say it and I'll grant you release, Olivia.”

I fought it. I didn't want to give him what he wanted. But he didn't rush me. He simply waited and continued the maddening torment. He didn't even complain when I removed my hand from his shaft, but he wouldn’t let me escape his own touch. Desire defeated the voice of reason, and I fell apart at the seams, finally giving into his demands.

“Alessandro...make me...ah...please...make me come,” I whispered, trembling with undeniable desire.

He pulled me closer to himself and took my earlobe between his lips, sucking on it. It sent another wave of building pleasure down my body and I gasped for air.

“Such a good girl. So sweet. So fucking pretty,” he praised as he touched me with slow, sensual demand. “I will give it to you, tesoro. You earned it.”

“Alessandro...” I breathed his name in fear he would continue the torture, but he finally decided to show me mercy.

“'s’s right there,” he murmured, as he found some hidden spot that made black spots dance before my eyes. “Come for me, Olivia!”

I shuddered at his command and let out a few muffled cries as waves of pleasure took over and hazed my mind. Alessandro held me firmly Copyright 2016 - 2024