Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,107

words eager to burst from my mouth, demanding to be spoken. I observed his face, not looking at him at all, but instead gazed beyond him as my mind travelled back to those horrible times. “You hit me,” I said quietly.

He closed his eyes again and exhaled as if ashamed.

“You made me cut my hair,” I uncovered in the same silent tone.

His eyes sprang open with an appalled stare. “So, that nightmare was real?”

I offered a small nod.

“What happened?”

I took in a deep breath, fighting to stay calm and composed. I didn't want to break down in front of him again. “You overheard my tutor complimenting my hair and saw him touch it.” I kept my voice even.

Alessandro narrowed his eyes. “Did you have an affair with that man?”

“No, but you wouldn't believe me,” I told him. “I begged you, and you made me cut it anyway.”

He swore under his breath. “Per meraviglia! What kind of a scumbag does this to his wife?”

He seemed livid—so upset with himself that I could feel the tension emanating from his body.

“Alessandro, it wasn't always that bad,” I tried to mend the damage, aware I might have said too much. “There were good times as well.”

“Don't, Olivia.” He brushed his thumb against my lips. “Don't try to sugarcoat it. Tell it like it is. I was an abuser and you were the victim.”

“I don't like to be called a victim,” I said in a small voice.

Alessandro let out a shallow breath. “I don't like to be called an abuser, but that is the kind of man I apparently used to be.”

Used to be...If only it was true, but I knew it couldn't be. Alessandro would always remain a wolf in sheep's clothing. “I don't want to talk about this anymore, Alessandro,” I asserted quietly.

“So where does this leave us?” he asked softly. “What will it take for me to make it up to you, cara?”

“I don't need you to make it up to me, Alessandro,” I whispered. “The only thing you could do to make it right is let me leave. Give me a divorce and we'll call it quits.”

This was my chance to demand freedom. Now that he had recovered from his accident, there was no fear of public scrutiny. If the guilt—he appeared to feel—made him consent, I could keep a low profile and be free before he remembered and unleashed the full extent of his wrath.

“I'm sorry, Olivia. That is the one thing I cannot do.” He sounded remorseful, but nevertheless unyielding. “You know who I am. You know how many enemies I have. They would hunt you down and do unspeakable things just to get a glimpse of my secrets.”

“I didn't say I would oppose having protection.” I was grasping at straws, trying to convince him. “Broderick could come with me and make sure—”

“I will not take that risk,” he interjected. “You’re pregnant with my child, Olivia. It’s my duty to protect it. I can't do that when you’re away. Please, be reasonable. Divorce is not an option.”

“You’re using the baby as leverage,” I accused him.

“No, cara. I’m simply laying out the facts,” he said softly. “This baby is innocent. Why should it pay for our mistakes?”

I’d never heard him talk like this before. He was defending his unborn child with such determination, it made me doubt his intentions. It was unfathomable he could be so acceptant of my pregnancy when I was certain he wouldn't want to have anything to do with it. “Alessandro, are you even sure you want the baby?” I couldn't help asking.

“Madre di Dio, how can you ask me such a thing?” He seemed truly offended.

“I'm sorry,” I apologized, careful not to provoke him. “I just didn't think you'd be so thrilled to become a father.”

“And the plot thickens,” Alessandro said dryly. “What have I done to make you believe I wouldn't want the baby?”

I cautioned myself, afraid if I revealed what he’d told me not too long ago it might jolt his memory. One thing I was certain of; I never wanted him to remember our conversation about having children. “I just had a feeling that you'd prefer...”

“Prefer what?” he demanded.

“That you'd want me to...” I bit my lip, clutching my stomach protectively. I couldn’t even say the words without the notion crushing my heart.

“That I'd want you to get rid of it?” He drew the conclusion for himself, and I nodded jerkily. “Accidenti! Was I such a boar that you feared I would Copyright 2016 - 2024