Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,100

his pocket. Then, he came to whisper in my ear and his voice was constricted with more emotion than I had ever witnessed in him before. “Since the commitment I’ve made means nothing to you, Olivia, I will forget it has ever happened. From this day on, I will not see you as my wife until you earn the privilege,” he bit out. “I don't care how many corpses I have to pile up to get it through to your head that I will never let you go, but if you try this again, I will go on a killing rampage and destroy everything and everyone you hold dear…do you understand?”

I nodded, my throat constricted with tears. He caught my chin in his hand and squeezed. He was hurting me, but that dark pained expression was still present on his face. “I asked you a question. Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes,” I answered fearfully, but that wasn't enough.

“Yes, Alessandro, I understand,” he corrected in that constricted, drained voice.

“Y-Yes...A-Alessandro....I understand,” I stammered through sobs.

“I hope that you do, Olivia,” he said softly. “I really hope that you do. For both of our sakes.”

I didn’t understand what his words meant, but I realized my husband was right when he’d said I had yet to meet a monster in him.


That night when we returned home, Alessandro prepared me a warm bath, then left my room without a word. The first time I glanced in the mirror and observed the gruesome damage caused to my back, I didn’t shed a tear. In fact, dark smears circled my eyes and I looked like a haunted ghost. Absentmindedly, I eased into the bath, only flinching when the water caressed my belted flesh. As I sat in absolute silence, my mind had gone blank. I let my eyelids fall shut until there was nothing but endless darkness stretching before me. The only thing I could do was breathe. In an out. In and out.

The now tepid water I sat in seemed inviting. The temptation to sink lower was hard to resist, and I found myself easing deeper until my head dipped beneath the surface. I opened my eyes and enjoyed the soothing echoes that reminded me of waves and the ocean. I did this every time I took a bath. The experience was therapeutic. The urge to breathe gradually manifested itself, but I didn’t want to leave this peace just yet. Here below, I felt weightless and free. If I stayed just a little longer… I paused, startled by these dark hopeless thoughts. A gasp bubbled from my mouth and I instinctively sat up, inhaling a long, deep breath. One lone tear escaped my stinging eyes. I couldn’t even think about this ultimate sense of escape, let alone go through with it. Deep down I knew that even my death wouldn’t stop Alessandro from seeking vengeance. He’d punish me from even beyond the grave. Trisha had already paid with her life for my disregard of Alessandro's rules. I would not make that foolish mistake twice and endanger May or my father.

When I returned to the room, I startled at the sight of an old man who stood by my bed. As he stepped toward me, I attempted to flee back into the bathroom, but swayed from weakness. Grasping the door handle, I fought to restore my balance while the man sprinted to my side. He supported my weight and helped me walk to bed, informing me he was a doctor who came to help. Mr. Damiani had requested his services, and he would do everything in his power to diminish my pain. According to him, Alessandro was beside himself with worry for my well-being. I sneered with incredulousness and choked back a fresh surge of tears. How dare he? How dare that bastard insinuate he gives a damn about me? Swallowing my resentment, I simply nodded and refrained from making any comments. When I lay on my belly and uncovered my back, the man drew in a long, sizzling breath, but didn’t ask any questions. He just tended my wounds with methodical care, pausing every time I winced or whimpered in discomfort. Although the kind doctor did his best to distract me with light, meaningless conversation, I remained silent and simply endured the pain. I lasted in this burning agony until everything before my eyes faded into nothingness…

After that night I never thought of running away again. I never thought of causing anything to provoke Alessandro’s anger. Despite the Copyright 2016 - 2024