Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,75

interact with her. He acted as if setting himself apart would increase the chance he could return to his own time. “My brother is dead because I failed him.”

“He’s not dead yet.”

“What do you mean?” His voice was harsh with sorrow and frustration. “He died in 1869. He died because I wasn’t there to stop it!”

Journey kept her tone even. “Think. The timelines appear to be running parallel. What was the month and the date that you came through the box canyon?”

“April 19th.”

“Yes, and you rescued me the night of April 19th. So, it stands to reason. Time isn’t moving any faster there than it is here. Today is April 21st in this time and it’s April 21st in the past. Cole will be alive until July 4th. That means you have 73 days to stop this from happening.”

“You mean go back in time.”

“Yes. Go back in time.”

Reno started his pacing again. “That’s the problem, I don’t know how. I’ve been trying and trying. I don’t think it’s possible.”

“You traveled through time to the future. There has to be a way for you to travel back. We just have to figure out what that way is.”

“And how do we do that?”

“Well, I haven’t figured that part out yet.” She didn’t say that the greatest minds in the world had long struggled with this concept and never came up with an answer. No use stating the obvious. “Just because the answer hasn’t been published in some textbook or some scientific journal, doesn’t mean that someone out there somewhere doesn’t have the answer.”

“What are you saying?” Reno came to her and knelt at her feet. “Are you saying this has happened before? That someone else has journeyed through time?”

“Maybe.” Journey was racking her brain for an answer – or even a clue. “We’re just going to have to explore every avenue. Think outside the box.” She stood and walked to the window, staring out toward Enchanted Rock. “You came through for a reason and we need to figure out what that reason could be.” As she stood there, desperately trying to help the man she loved come up with a plan that could take him away from her forever – she felt his strong hands close gently on her shoulders.

“Know this. I’m not yelling at you, Journey. I’m not mad at you.”

“I know you’re not.” She reached up to touch his hand, needing the connection as much as he did.

“I couldn’t endure this without you.”

She felt his lips brush her neck softly. Needing to hold him, Journey turned in place, raising her lips to his. She didn’t know if he would accept or reject her – all she knew was that she had to offer him the comfort of her arms. The healing gift of her kiss.

Reno hesitated only a moment before he crushed her to him with all his strength, as if she were the one thing that could save him in this whole, crazy mixed up world. Sealing his mouth to hers, he kissed her harder, deeper, desperate with a need he’d never known before.

Journey swooned with pleasure, the touch of his hands and the wonder of his kiss sent wild tremors singing through her body, drawing out sensations she’d never thought to feel. He stole her breath, then gave it back to her, showing her what a perfect kiss could be.

She pushed his hat aside, threading her fingers into his hair, demanding that he come closer – and closer still. Her blood sang through her veins and her heart throbbed with joy as his tongue delved gently between her lips and she melted, her body begging to become one with his. She’d never expected to feel such ecstasy from a simple kiss. “More. More,” she begged as she took a breath. “Touch me. Please.”

And then his hands were everywhere, and she didn’t care. She ached to know him, memorize his taste, learn how his skin felt against hers. She caressed the stubble on his cheek, then ran her lips and tongue over the roughness, loving how it felt. Journey loved everything about him and there was no way she could contain it. No way she could hide it.

“I love you, Reno. I love you so much.”

Reno stilled, his hands holding her gently. Slowly, he ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “I…I gotta go.” He pointed to the door. “I gotta go try again.”

“All right.” She knew the drill. She’d begun to recognize the pattern. He wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024