Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,74

and many of those were killed in skirmishes in the early 1870’s, resulting in an almost total extermination of the native peoples of central Texas.”

“Oh, my God,” Journey gasped. “I’m so sorry.”

Reno hit the table with his fist which brought a stern reprimanding stare from Miss Winkler. “Wiped out. Over a lie. God, I wish I had told Clay when I had the chance. I just didn’t spare the time.” He closed his eyes and fumed. “Those raids weren’t carried out by Indians. They were white raiders. If I were there, I could prove it. If I could get back, I could stop this from happening.”

Journey placed a consoling hand on top of his, then she searched in her book until she found a very similar account. “I’m so sorry, Reno. This is just one of the great injustices in the world.”

He shut the book. “And the world still doesn’t know the truth.”

She tried to think of something to say. “Maybe you could set the record straight.”

“I need to know if Ela survived.” It ate at his soul to think of that worthless reptile, Kinsella, taking her life.

“I’ll call Apple Blackhawk.”

He snapped his fingers. “We could also ask Mr. Kota.”

“Good idea. We will,” Journey nodded as she stepped out of the archive room to make the call. There was no answer, so she left Apple a message. When she returned, Miss Stanberry and Miss Winkler were standing on either side of Reno. Miss Stanberry held a large book covered in dark blue leather. Whatever they’d said to Reno had upset him. “Are you sure?” he asked in a desperate tone. “Perfectly sure?”

“Yes. This record from the War Office was published in 1880.” The woman placed the book carefully on the table in front of him. She moved her finger along a line of type. “On July 4th 1869, Tennessee native, Cole Black, a Sergeant in the Union Army was executed for treason at Fort Macon, North Carolina for his role in the death of Union Brigadier General Frederick Winthrop at the Battle of Five Forks, Virginia.”


She hated to see anything suffer. Her great aunt Myra always said Journey was part empath, born with the softest of hearts. She’d always doubted this until today. After watching Reno trying to cope with the pain he’d been dealt, Journey knew she’d trade places with him in a heartbeat if she could. “Reno, you’ve got to rest.”

He’d been pacing the floor for hours. Once they arrived home from Fredericksburg, he’d saddled up his horse and headed straight to the box canyon. She’d waited about an hour, then saddled up to follow him. Journey found him pushing Traveler to run at the solid wall. While she watched, he repeated the exercise three more times. It was clear by now that the horse had figured things out. The stallion knew what was expected and would make a hairpin turn at just the right moment to avoid a collision. “Poor horse,” she whispered too low for them to hear. The animal loved its master unconditionally and if Reno wanted to charge madly at a stone wall over and over again, that’s what Traveler would do.

She didn’t linger. Journey just made sure he was all right, then she returned home to have something ready for him to eat when he got tired of repeated failures. Now, he was back at the house, but he couldn’t seem to be still. “Do you have any idea how helpless I feel, Journey?”

“Yes, and I hurt for you. So much. I’d take your pain away if I could.” She could just imagine the torment he was feeling. “You’re going to make yourself sick and that won’t help anyone.”

At first, she didn’t think he heard her. But after four or five minutes, he went to the dining table and took a seat. Taking advantage of the situation, Journey jumped to fix him a plate of food. She’d found one of Myra’s homemade lasagnas in the freezer. “You’ll like this, it’s one of my aunt’s specialties.”

Reno ate, but it was just to feed his hunger. Journey doubted that he tasted a thing.

Once he was finished, he rose and grabbed his hat. “I’m going back to try again. Don’t wait up.”

“Reno, please. Stop.” He did as she asked, but he kept his back to her. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”

“What am I supposed to do, Journey?” He turned sideways, giving her his profile. It was like he couldn’t bring himself to fully Copyright 2016 - 2024