The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,30

few steps to meet them.

Lucian had removed his helmet, walking our way before anyone else was off their bike. Whistling, he waved a hand in front of his face, waggling his eyebrows as he took in Elisha. "Damn, look at Matty go! No wonder you left us high and dry at that little honkytonk. Tucker didn't tell us the omega you were rushing off to save was such a pretty little thing."

"Easy, Luci. Don't make Matt kick your ass before we get a chance to say a proper hello." Nick was right beside him, playfully shoving Lucian aside. He walked up to Elisha and reached for his hand, bending over it to kiss the back and peering up at him with a flirtatious wink. "Howdy, honey. I'm Nick, and allow me to be the first to greet the only person who could have got this alpha of yours to come home."

Tucker and Devon made a point to also shove Lucian to the side so they could meet Elisha next. Reluctantly, I let go of his hand when Tucker held his arms out and asked for a hug. When Elisha hesitated, I leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Tucker is my best friend. He's safe. All of these guys are. They might joke around, but you can trust them."

Every one of them looked completely smitten when Elisha blushed. "I'm sorry. I'm hardwired to avoid alphas. I hope I didn't offend you." With that, he stepped into Tucker's outstretched arms.

I rested a hand on Elisha's back the whole time, so he knew I was there. "This is my buddy Tucker. He's probably my best friend in the whole world. Just don't let the other guys hear."

Lucian growled. "We're next to you, asshole. We have feelings too, you know."

"I've heard rumors along those lines." Grinning, I pulled Lucian into a hug. "It's damn good to see you, Luci. Thanks for riding out this way. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I need backup."

As I spoke, I checked on Elisha, talking quietly with Tucker and Devon. The bond told me he was calm and relaxed. For a second, I'd felt like a prick for dropping him in the deep end. When both of my worlds collided, it was easy to forget they were all meeting for the first time.

The hair on the back of my neck raised when Nick stiffened, as if going on alert. Glancing over my shoulder to see what had him alarmed, I immediately relaxed. Jared and the gammas were waiting on the porch. Nick was reacting to their palpable tension. I huffed and motioned for Jared to come over. As he quickly joined us, I focused my comments on Nick.

"Guys, I want you to meet the pack beta. If you’d like the historical dirt on me, Jared here is your best source. His father was the beta before him, so we grew up together. And yes, this bougey palace is my childhood home. Go ahead, let me have it."

Lucian whistled through his teeth and held the flaps of his WCW leather cut wide open to put his shirtless chest on full display. Most notably, the absence of the X-shaped scar over his heart. His big cheesy grin was a cover, silently daring Jared or any of the watching gammas not to notice he was a bastard.

"Check you out, Matt. Nobody's gonna want to hear my sad backstory when they’re too busy feeling sorry for a poor little rich boy like you." To take any sting out of his teasing, Lucian winked. "Seriously, though, nice digs. I bet walking away from a place like this was hard."

Nick leaned against Lucian, crossing his arms over his chest as he jerked his head back toward the gates. "What's up with your family living it up while the town fell to shit? I think I understand why you left.”

Tucker cleared his throat. "Go easy on him, guys. Let's remember Matt arrived here two days ago. He was nice enough to give me the gate code, so obviously he's not gotten all above himself yet. How about we give him a chance to explain?"

Huffing a half-laugh, I held my palms up. "There is no excuse for this, Tucker. Nick was correct—the town is a shitty excuse of a living situation for my pack. Apparently, my uncle didn't give a shit. The least of the reasons I wish I'd killed him myself."

Devon, always the peacekeeper, smiled knowingly. "And I can imagine you've been kicking yourself Copyright 2016 - 2024