The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,29

been because we were true mates, but I didn't think so. Matt was simply that decent; I was sure of it.

Thinking of how he'd introduced me to the pack as his equal was as crazy as hearing him say it in the first place. With his fairness in mind, I decided to bring up a crazy idea I'd had for a while now.

"You don't mind having humans around? Good. This is something way long-term down the road on the idea list, but the Calico Ghost Town does excellent business. Not too long after I arrived, Horace was tied up with the Gamma Council, and Jared took me on a tour of our pack lands. There's a strip of old buildings off the highway near Barstow. It would make a cute tourist trap. Having the place rotting away out there in the middle of the desert when we could be earning pack revenue and retaining local history at the same time seems like such a waste."

As if trying to place the area, Matt frowned. It only took a few seconds before a bright smile crossed his face. "Rio de Oro! Or as it later came to be called, Gold River. The original settlers arrived with some Mexican miners who swore a vein of gold flowed through the desert as thick as a river. It’s another victim of the gold rush era, I'm afraid. I like your idea, though. I can see where it could work. Plus, our people will need jobs once things get back to normal. A renovation would be a good project to consider. We’ll bring it up at the next gamma council meeting, see if we can’t find support for your idea.”

“Really? You would?”

“Of course. But I won’t have to because you will. Remember the whole ‘us being equals’ thing? I want you at future council meetings so you’re informed and can have a voice on things we discuss. I plan to go back to the old way of having the pack run more democratically, with a council weighing in and us overseeing it all. Too much power isn’t good for anyone, and I don’t need the enticement.”

He shot me a wry grin, but I wasn’t buying it. No way would Matt be tempted like other alphas. He’d already proven as much by thinking of ways to limit his reach in the first place. Horace wouldn’t even have considered it.

Rubbing my belly again, I smiled back at my handsome mate. Yep… I was one lucky omega, and this was a very fortunate pack to have Matt as our Alpha.

We were finishing breakfast when the house woke up. First Jared, then Paula, joined us in the kitchen. Jared was looking for Matt, and Paula was eager to start planning our day. Matt gave my hand a squeeze, regretful we would have to separate to our different tasks.

He leaned over as if about to kiss me goodbye when I jerked with an unmanly squeak at the rumble of motorcycles. Pausing, Matt tilted his head as if listening to the engines, and a wide smile spread from cheek to cheek.

“Hold that thought, little wolf. You can come back to work in a few. First, I have some friends I’d like you to meet.”



I'm not sure who was more startled, Elisha or Jared or maybe even Paula, when I lifted Elisha in my arms and backed through the swinging kitchen door before taking off at a run. While I whooped with laughter, Elisha froze, then burst out in a joyous giggle, making me glad I'd followed my spontaneous urge.

As I stopped to open the front door, Elisha laughed in my ear. "You're crazy. Put me down. I must weigh a ton."

"A ton? I hardly think so, unless you measure your weight by sweetness factor." I stopped to sneak a quick kiss before flinging the door open and walking out onto the porch. "Sweetheart, I've carried wet dogs heavier than you. And if you're picturing a Yorkie, you'd be correct."

Giggling again, he smacked my chest. "I was joking before, but now I'm begging you. Put me down so I can pretend we're civilized when I meet your friends."

"Elisha, these guys are my brothers. They know damn well I'm not civilized. I'm counting on you to make me look good." Chuckling, I set him back on his feet right as four familiar bikes rolled to a stop. Catching Elisha by the hand, I kept him firmly at my side while we walked down the Copyright 2016 - 2024