Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,366

ordered two beers from the bartender when I feel a slap on my back.

“Hey, boss,” Ryder says, beer in his hand.


“Don’t Ryder me. What was today all about? Who’s the broad?”

“None of your business,” I reply, hoping he gets the point. I don't want to talk about it.

I turn and see Sofia coming back our way. “Do not question her,” I warn him.

“Hey, I’m Sofia,” she says, introducing herself to Ryder.

I pull her into me and away from him. “This is Ryder from earlier today, and he was just leaving.”

“Yeah, I was. Wanna come with me?” He winks, and I shove him with my free arm. He laughs and walks back to the pool table where the other boys are at.


Sofia Winters

I lean into Jett, enjoying the feel of being in his arms. It’s been a long while since I’ve been held like this. Things with Thomas had become cold. We act as if we like each other in public, but things behind closed doors have become almost clinical. I don’t know why I didn’t come to this realization earlier—like years ago. With the couple of beers, I have a nice buzz going on. Okay, maybe a little bit more than a buzz.

I smile at the bartender setting up two shots of a transparent liquid followed by two bottles of Coors.

Placing a hand on Jett’s chest, I breathe out and whisper in his ear, “Trying to get me drunk?”

He doesn’t turn to me, but I see his lips curve up in a smile. He lifts the shot to his mouth, and I watch his throat swallow the liquid. Are necks sexy? Why am I tempted to do naughty things to him?

“And if I am?” He licks his lips, and I wish it were my tongue.

Ugh, you just met the guy.

Shaking off my thoughts, I reluctantly take my hand off his chest and lift the shot to my mouth, my eyes staying on his. The cold liquid burns as it slides down my throat, my tongue moving across my lips, his eyes dropping to watch me. Enjoying his stare, I don't release him, instead dropping the shot glass on the bar and reaching for the beer bottle. I wrap my tongue around the tip and then…

Jett wraps his hand around my neck, forcefully, bringing my face to his, his lips touching my ear. His breath sends shivers down my spine. “You’re playing with fire, princess.”

As quick as his hand is on me, it's gone. He signals to the bartender for another two shots. When the bartender places two more down on the bar, he lifts his, motioning for me to do the same. He tips his to mine, and I do the same.

“To playing with fire.”

“To going up in flames,” he replies in a deep voice before giving me a lopsided grin.

I shoot the shot down, slamming it back onto the bar.

Tonight may be my only night of freedom, and I’m not going to waste it. Growing up as the only daughter to the "Hotel King" might sound glamorous, but it was far from it. I’ve never been able to just let my hair down and be myself. I don’t even know who I am, not really. But, tonight, I get a reprieve. A reprieve because a hot stranger on a bike took a chance on me.

I turn, leaning my back on the bar to take in my surroundings. The first thing I notice is that all eyes are not on me. No, I’m not arrogant to think they should be. It’s just the places I usually frequent, it happens all the time. This bar is rundown and dark, with flashing neon lights on the walls. A few pool tables in the left corner, what looks like a makeshift dance floor where girls wearing revealing dresses are gyrating against their partners, and tables with groups of rowdy men, most wearing a black vest. They almost look matching. Ooh.

I lean to the side, where Jett is studying me, clearly amused if his smile is anything to go by, and nod to the guys sitting by the door. “Are they like a motorcycle crew? Group? They all have the same vest on.”

Jett spits out his beer. Luckily, he doesn't spray it all over me, as he’d turned when I asked my question.

When he has his laughter under control, he again pulls my head to his, muttering something about being so innocent. “Sofia,” he growls in my ear, making me hot. “Do not. And Copyright 2016 - 2024